gems.gov.za : Government Employees Medical Scheme South Africa

Name of the Organization : South Africa Government
Type of Facility : Government Employees Medical Scheme
Country : South Africa

Website : http://www.gems.gov.za/default.aspx?eYKBZfmnxQQhqfXsNJG15Neg8VzCNLco

GEMS Government Employees Medical Scheme

GEMS members enjoy access to benefits that were tailor-made for government employees. Contributions are directed at paying for health care services rather than expensive administration.

Related / Similar Service : SANC eRegister

Well-established service providers have been contracted to partner with GEMS in the delivery of service to members.

As a member of GEMS Benefits

** Excellent health care benefits at affordable contribution rates
** Absolute privacy: Your medical information is always kept completely confidential – even from your employer.

** Prompt and efficient claims payment every fortnight
** Regular member communications
** Friendly and efficient customer service
** Access to extensive medical care at private facilities of your choice

** A Disease Management Program to manage the treatment and costs of ongoing illnesses
** A HIV/Aids Management Program that gives you confidential care when you need it
** An Emergency Medical Service that covers a wide area of South Africa

Who may join

You can join GEMS if you form part of the administration force within the following employer groups*:
** A National Department listed in Schedule 1 of the Public Service Act
** A Provincial Department listed in Schedule 2 of the Public Service Act

** A Provincial Administration listed in Schedule 2 of the Public Service Act
** Organisational components listed in Schedule 3 of the Public Service Act
** Any employer group approved by the Scheme (a list of these employers is available in Annexure A of the Scheme Rules).

You cannot join GEMS if you are employed on active duty within the following uniformed services*:
** The National Intelligence Agency (NIA)
** The South African Secret Service (SASS)
** Uniformed members of the South African Police Service (SAPS)

** The South African National Defence Force (SANDF)
** Correctional Services
** Any South African state organ where the conditions of service do not allow you to join GEMS.

How to Join

Follow these simple steps to become a member:
** Get an application form. You can also receive an application form by contacting the Call Centre on 0860 00 4367, from your nearest GEMS Walk-in Centre, or from your HR department;

** Complete the form, ensuring that you have completed all the sections in full and that you have provided the requested supplementary documents (see ‘Documents Required’ below)

Send the completed form and documents by:
** Fax to 0861 00 4367;
** Post to GEMS, Private Bag X782, Cape Town, 8000;
** Email to enquiries AT gems.gov.za; or
** Drop it off directly at a GEMS Walk-in Centre.

Detailed list of requirements and documents needed to register a dependant:
Husband or wife:
** For a customary marriage, we need an affidavit from the main member confirming the obligation towards the husband or wife.
** We need a copy of the marriage certificate if married and the surname of the husband or wife is different from the main member’s surname.

Ex-husband or ex-wife:
** We need a copy of the court order to provide medical support as required by the divorce settlement.

** We need an affidavit (completed by the main member and partner) confirming that the dependant is the main member’s life partner.

Children (biological, adopted, step or foster) under the age of 21:
** If the child’s surname is different to that of the main member, the main member must complete an affidavit stating the reason for the difference and confirming the obligation towards the child.

Children (biological, adopted, step or foster) over the age of 21:
If the child is a student and not yet 28 years old, we need:
** Proof of registration at a recognised tertiary institution
** Affidavit from the main member confirming financial dependency.

If the child is totally dependent due to mental or physical disability, we need:
** Proof of disability from a medical practitioner (medical assessment report to be completed by a medical practitioner)

** An affidavit from the main member confirming financial dependency and that the child is not in a state institution.

If the child is neither a student nor disabled, we need:
** An affidavit from the main member confirming financial dependency. (Please note that in this instance, you will pay adult contribution rates for this dependant.)

Parents, parents-in-law, grandparents and grandparents-in-law:
** We need an affidavit from the main member confirming financial dependency of the dependants.

** Parents-in-law and grandparents-in-law may only be registered if the husband, wife or partner is also registered as a dependant.

Grandchildren and great-grandchildren:
** They may be registered as dependants if the main member or the husband or wife submits documentary proof that a child support grant is received OR if the main member or husband or wife gives us a sworn affidavit that he or she takes primary responsibility for meeting the daily needs of the child.

** We need an affidavit to be completed by the main member and biological parent, where applicable confirming financial dependency of the grandchild on the main member.

** If the parent of the child is also registered as a dependant, an affidavit is only needed from the main member for the grandchild or great grandchild.

Siblings (brothers or sisters), half-siblings, step-siblings and siblings in-law:
** We need an affidavit (to be completed by the main member) confirming financial dependency of the sibling on the main member.

Nephews and nieces (including in-laws):
** We need an affidavit confirming financial dependency of nephews and nieces on the main member. The affidavit must be completed by the member and the sibling, where applicable.

** If the parent of the child is also registered as a dependant, an affidavit is only needed from the main member for the niece or nephew.

Special dependants (where the member is liable for family care and support):
** We need an affidavit from the main member confirming financial dependency of the special dependant.
** Proof of financial dependency will be subject to review and Scheme approval.

General Enquiries : enquiries AT gems.gov.za

Categories: South Africa
Tags: gems.gov.za

View Comments (1)

  • I am currently a member of gems and would like to add my mother in law as a dependent. Please forward me necessary forms and requirements , costs etc.

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