helb.co.ke Loan For Direct Entry & Salaried Students DES Kenya : Higher Education Loans Board

Name of the Organization : Higher Education Loans Board
Type of Facility : Loan For Direct Entry & Salaried Students DES
Country : Kenya

Website : http://www.helb.co.ke/
Apply Online : https://www.helb.co.ke/

Loans For Direct Entry Students :

These loans are for students joining public or private universities within the East African Community directly from high school either through the Joint Admissions Board (JAB) or as self-sponsored. Amounts awarded range between 35,000 minimum and 60,000 maximum based on the level of need.

Related : Higher Education Loans Board Loan Repayment Kenya : www.statusin.org/7075.html

The loan attracts interest of 4% p.a and the students are required to repay their loans on completion of their studies. Students are advised to apply at least one month before the opening date to allow ample time for processing and remittance. The application period is January through July every year.

Management of HELB loans:
Students are advised that the loans should be used mainly for:
** Tuition,
** Books and stationery,
** Accommodation and subsistence.

Students are advised to desist from diverting the funds to leisure or other family obligations.

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Repaying your student loan:
Undergraduate loan repayment starts within one year of completion of studies or within such a period as the Board decides to recall the loan whichever is earlier. However, you can make voluntary payments before or after you complete your studies to reduce your loan balance.

Alternative Loans(for salaried students)
Alternative loans comprise of Postgraduate (Masters & PhD) and Undergraduate loans for salaried applicants loans. This category of loan was introduced in the year 2000/2001 (PG) and 2008/2009 (CE). It runs as a commercial window targeting students who are able to repay their loans while studying, thus allowing the Board to generate income from application fees and interest charged to build and maintain a sustainable revolving fund. The loans are evaluated and awarded on the basis of the loanees’ ability to pay while studying at an interest rate of 12% p.a and repayable in 48months.
Awards (per year) PhD- Kshs: 60,000 – 200,000.00;
Masters -Kshs: 60,000 – 200,000.00;
CE -Kshs: 60,000 – 100,000.00;

Minimum Requirements :
1) Repaying or Repaid UG and previous PG loans if a beneficiary
2) Ability to pay while studying based on the one third rule of basic salary as per the Employment Act.
3) Meet all the requirements as indicated in the online form

Loan Interest Rate and Repayment period:
12% per annum ; 48 months

Required Documents :
1) Copy of letter of admission to the university
2) Certified copy of last acquired certificate
3) Certified copy of ID
4) Certified copies of two salaried guarantors’ IDs
5) Certified copy of PIN card
6) Certified copies (by employer) of the latest three months pay slips
7) Recent colored passport size photograph
8) Letter of appointment (contracted applicants only)(1-5 should be certified by an advocate and 6-9 by employer)

How to apply for the loan :
Application is done online

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