nslds.ed.gov National Student Loan Data System USA : U.S. Department of Education’s (ED’s)

Name of the Organization : U.S. Department of Education’s (ED’s)
Type of Facility : National Student Loan Data System
Country : United States of America (USA)

Website : https://nsldsfap.ed.gov/nslds_FAP/

NSLDS National Student Loan Data System

The National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS) is the U.S. Department of Education’s (ED’s) central database for student aid.

Related : Federal Student Aid Loans Repayment USA : www.statusin.org/334.html

NSLDS receives data from schools, guaranty agencies, the Direct Loan program, and other Department of ED programs. NSLDS Student Access provides a centralized, integrated view of Title IV loans and grants so that recipients of Title IV Aid can access and inquire about their Title IV loans and/or grant data.

When is the NSLDS Student Access web site available?:
The NSLDS Student Access web site is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. However, maintenance of the NSLDS database can occur on the weekends or late hours. This may cause the site to be unavailable for a brief period while maintenance is performed.

What information is available to me through the NSLDS Student Access web site?:
You can use the web site to make inquiries about your Title IV loans and/or grants. The site displays information on loan and/or grant amounts, outstanding balances, loan statuses, and disbursements. The Glossary of Terms contains information on terms relating to loans and grants.

What information do I need to use the NSLDS Student Access web site?:
In order to use the NSLDS Student Access web site, you will need to provide your Social Security number (SSN), the first two letters of your last name, your date of birth, and your PIN (formerly known as EAC).

How secure is the NSLDS Student Access web site?:
The unique combination of SSN, PIN, and personal information needed to access the NSLDS Student Access web site makes it as secure as using an ATM.

What assistance is available when using the NSLDS Student Access web site?:
The Glossary of Terms page provides more detailed information on terms used on this web site.
The Federal Student Aid Information Center at 1-800-4-FED-AID/TDD 1-800-730-8913 is available 8AM to 10PM (Eastern Time), Monday through Friday, except federal holidays.
The Contact Us page provides e-mail to the Federal Student Aid Information Center.

Personal Identification Number (PIN):
The PIN is a personal identifier that gives you the ability to enter the NSLDS Student Access web site, as well as other U.S. Department of Education web sites It is similar to a bank’s PIN, and it should be kept secure and private.

How do I get a PIN?:
You can request a PIN at the PIN web site

What if I forget my PIN?:
You can get a copy of your PIN or a new PIN at the PIN web site

Can my PIN be changed?:
Yes. It is highly recommended that you request to change your PIN, if you think it is not secure or has been compromised.

Is my PIN for the NSLDS Student Access web site the same as my PIN for the FAFSA® web site?:
Yes. Your PIN can be used on the FAFSA® web site as well as on the NSLDS Student Access web site.

What happens if I enter my PIN and other identifiers and no data appears?:
If you have received Title IV loans and/or grants, there can be several reasons that no data appears. It takes your loan holder 30 to 45 days to get the information into NSLDS. If more than 60 days have passed since you received your loan, contact the school’s financial aid office that processed your loan. They can tell you why your loan or grant has not been reported to NSLDS.

Also, make sure that your Social Security number, birth date, and first two letters of your last name that you entered match your financial aid records. You can check with the school to see if an error was made in the processing of your loan information.

Information About My Loans and Grants:

Where does my student aid information come from?:
The loans and grants listed on this web site have been reported from different sources. In general, the agency that authorized the aid award is responsible for reporting aid information to NSLDS. Stafford loans are reported by guaranty agencies, Direct loans are reported by the federal loan servicer, Perkins loans are reported by schools (or their agent), and grants are reported by the U.S. Department of Education’s Common Origination and Disbursement System. FFEL Program loans purchased by the U.S. Department of Education are reported by federal loan servicers.

How current is this information?:
Grant information is reported to NSLDS daily. New loans are reported to NSLDS within 30 days of receipt of funds. If you have been making payments on a loan, the outstanding principal balance listed by NSLDS may be as much as 120 days old. You can contact the loan servicer for more up-to-date balance information.

Who has access to this information?:
Federal privacy laws protect this information. The only people who can access NSLDS are those individuals that need the information to calculate your future aid eligibility, or to resolve questions about your loans or grants on a need-to-know basis.

What do I do if my loan data is incorrect?:
NSLDS is a repository of information received from data providers (schools, loan servicers, lenders and guaranty agencies) regarding student loan information. If you detect inaccurate information, you may first contact the data provider (identified on NSLDS) to ensure the incorrect information is updated on their system as well as on the NSLDS system. For corrections to Federal Direct Loans (DL) you can contact the federal loan servicer; for corrections to Federal Family Education Loans (FFEL) you can contact the guaranty agency or federal loan servicer; for Perkins loans you can contact the school.

In the event your attempts to amend the information by contacting the holder of the loan prove to be unsuccessful, you have the option of contacting NSLDS and amending the records directly at the following address:
Director, National Student Loan Data System, FSA,
U.S. Department of Education, UCP,
830 First Street, NE.,4th Floor,
Washington, DC

How can I get the latest balance information?:
You can call the current loan servicer. If one is not listed, then contact the lender. Some servicers have web sites that can give you current account information. When available, we have provided links to their sites.

What does loan status mean?:
The loan status code reflects the loan servicer’s current disposition for collecting the loan. If you are currently in school or in your grace period, your loan is in deferred status, and you do not have to make payments. Other loan statuses reflect loans that are in repayment, default, or have been cancelled.

Where are the loans from my medical/nursing programs? Where is my work-study award?:
NSLDS has information only on Title IV loans and grants. Nursing and medical loans are part of the Federal government’s Title VII programs and are not reported to NSLDS. You can review your promissory note to determine if it is a Title IV loan. Work-study awards are administered with Title IV funds by the schools and are not reported to NSLDS. Contact your school for questions regarding your work-study award.

Where are my parent’s PLUS loans?:
The only loans that are listed are those for which you are responsible for repaying. PLUS loans taken out by your parents on your behalf are not legally your responsibility. Your parents may review their PLUS loans by entering the web site using their identifiers and their own PIN.

My school says I’m not eligible for additional aid due to an overpayment:
You can check with the financial aid office listed on the reported overpayment.

Where do I fulfill my Loan Exit Counseling requirement?:
Loan Exit Counseling is located on the Department of Education’s StudentLoans.gov web site. Click on Exit Counseling and then click the Go button under Loan Exit Counseling to take you from the NSLDS Student Access web site to StudentLoans.gov, where you can fulfill your Loan Exit Counseling requirement.

Where do I fulfill my Exit Counseling requirements if I have both a federal loan and a TEACH Grant?:
TEACH Grant Exit Counseling is located on the NSLDS Student Access web site and Loan Exit Counseling is located on the Department of Education’s StudentLoans.gov web site. You must complete the exit counseling sessions on both web sites to fulfill both requirements.

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