Jobseeker’s Allowance Online JSA : United Kingdom

Name of the Organization : Government of United Kingdom
Type of Facility : Jobseeker’s Allowance Online JSA
Country : United Kingdom

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Jobseeker’s Allowance (JSA):

You can apply for Jobseeker’s Allowance (JSA) to help you while you look for work.

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How much you get depends on your circumstances.

To get Jobseeker’s Allowance (JSA) you must:
** be 18 or over but below State Pension age – there are some exceptions if you’re 16 or 17
** not be in full-time education
** be in England, Scotland or Wales
** be available for work
** be actively seeking work
** work on average less than 16 hours per week

You must also go to a JSA interview after you apply.

Your income:
Your household income can affect how much income-based JSA you get. Income includes money from pensions, earnings and savings (if you have more than £6,000). Pensions and earnings can affect the amount of contribution-based JSA you get.

When you apply for JSA, you must go to an interview to complete your claim.

What you’ll get:
How much you get depends on things like your income, savings and if you claim as an individual or a couple.

There are 2 types of Jobseeker’s Allowance (JSA). Jobcentre Plus will work out which type you can get. You can use a benefits calculator to find out how much you’re entitled to.

You can get JSA as well as Child Benefit and Child Tax Credit.

How to claim:
You can claim Jobseeker’s Allowance (JSA) online.

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You’ll get a text or phone call within 2 working days to arrange a JSA interview at your local Jobcentre Plus.

Rapid reclaims:
You can make a ‘rapid reclaim’ if you’ve had JSA in the last 26 weeks. Making a reclaim online should take about 10 minutes.

You’ll still have to attend an interview at a Jobcentre Plus to get JSA.

JSA joint claims:
You must make a joint claim with your partner if all the following apply:
you both want to claim JSA
one of you are 18 or over
you’re both under state pension age
neither of you are responsible for a child

Contact Jobcentre Plus if you’re not sure about making a joint claim. Contact your local Social Security or Jobs and Benefits Office if you live in Northern Ireland.

If you can’t apply online:
Contact Jobcentre Plus if you can’t apply online.
Jobcentre Plus
Telephone: 0800 055 6688
Welsh language: 0800 012 1888
Textphone: 0800 023 4888
Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm

After you’ve applied:
A work coach will help you make a work plan for how you’re going to find a job.

You must go to a Jobcentre Plus office (usually every 2 weeks or when asked). This is known as ‘signing on’.

When you sign on, you’ll need to show your work coach what you’ve been doing to look for work, eg job applications and interviews.

If you stop claiming JSA and claim again within 26 weeks, you can make a ‘rapid reclaim’.

Make an appeal:
You can appeal to the Social Security and Child Support Tribunal if you disagree with a decision. You must usually ask for ‘mandatory reconsideration’ before you appeal.

JSA complaints:
You can complain about Jobcentre Plus if you’re unhappy with the service you’ve received.

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