Kenyan Passport Application Procedure : Directorate of Registration of Persons

Name of the Organization : Directorate of Immigration & Registration of Persons
Type of Facility : Kenyan Passport Application Procedure
Country : Kenya

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Kenyan Passport Application Procedure :

A Kenyan who intends to acquire or to travel outside Kenya shall submit an application for a passport in person to the Passport Control Officer in a manner as may be prescribed.

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Applications can be submitted at the Nairobi, Mombasa and Kisumu Passport Control Offices.

(A) Application for ordinary/ East African Passport (First application):
The applicant shall submit an application for the passport in person in the prescribed manner i.e. Form 19.

An application shall be accompanied by:-
** Documentary evidence of Kenyan citizenship i.e. Original & copies of birth Certificate and National Identity Card, or a Certificate of naturalization or registration and Renunciation Certificate of former citizenship. ** Current clear and un-mounted three passport size photographs as may be directed by the Passport Control Officer.
** The Application must be recommended in section ‘7’ by a citizen of Kenya such as Minister of religion, a Minister or Legal Practitioner, an established Civil Servant or Bank Official personally acquainted with the applicant, but not by immediate relatives. The recommender must attach a copy of his/her National ID or passport.
** In the case of an applicant who is below the age of eighteen years, the parents or legal guardian’s written consent.
** In case of an applicant who is adopted, the original adoption certificate, clearance letter from the children’s department, and or, the Court ruling or award.
** Prescribed fee.

The Passport Control Officer may require the applicant for a passport to produce supplementary information so as to ascertain the citizenship or nationality of the applicant. These may include the applicant’s parent’s birth certificate, national identity card, or certificate of naturalization or registration.

(B) Application for Replacement of Passport:
The applicant shall submit an application for the passport in person in the prescribed manner or form.

An application shall be accompanied by:
** The previous passport and copy
** Three (3) Recent clear passport size photographs (coloured)
** In the case of a diplomatic passport, a letter from the Chief of protocol from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
** Prescribed fee

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** The passport which was previously used and cannot be used any further shall immediately after the issuance of a new passport be cancelled by the Passport Control Officer.
** No person shall be issued with a new passport unless the application is accompanied by the previous passport.

(C) Application for Replacement of a lost or mutilated passport:
The applicant shall submit an application for the passport in person in the prescribed form.

The application shall be accompanied by:-
** An affidavit of the circumstances surrounding the loss, theft, mutilation or damage.
** A police report on the loss of the passport
** Prescribed fee

To ascertain the true circumstances on the loss, theft or damage of the passport, the applicant may be required to appear for an interview before a Passport Control Officer.

(D) Application for Diplomatic passports:
The applicant shall submit in addition to the requirements of ordinary passport a letter from the chief of protocol from the Ministry of foreign Affairs.

(E) Disqualification of application for passports:
A Passport Control Officer shall disqualify the application of any person:-
** Who is not a citizen of Kenya
** Who gives false information for the purpose of obtaining a passport
** Submits incomplete forms
** In respect of whom there is evidence of involvement in passport fraud, passport forgery or international crime(s).

(F) Revocation of Passports:
The Passport Control Officer may, where:-
** The holder of a passport or travel document permits another person to use his passport or travel document
** The holder of a passport has been deported or repatriated to Kenya at the expense of the government
** The holder engages in drug trafficking, money laundering, human trafficking, terrorist acts or any other illegal activity
** It is in national interest or national security
** It is discovered that a Kenyan over 21 years of age is a holder of a passport of another country
** The holder has a pending warrant of arrest, and
** The holder is a habitual criminal;

at any time withdraw, cancel or revoke the passport or travel document granted or issued to the holder.

Passport Requirements:

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