: Collecting Benefits & Pensions At Post Office Using MiCard Isle of Man

Name of the Organization : Isle of Man Post Office
Type of Facility : Collecting Benefits & Pensions At Post Office Using MiCard
Country : Isle of Man

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Collecting Benefits & Pensions At Post Office Using MiCard:

MiCard is a new simple and secure way for people to collect their Social Security benefits and pensions from the Post Office.

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Jointly developed by the Social Security Division of the Treasury and Isle of Man Post Office, MiCard makes the process of collecting benefits more convenient and safer than ever.

Customers will no longer receive benefits in the form of cheques and vouchers sent though the post. Instead they will collect their benefits and pensions by presenting their MiCard at the Post Office and entering their PIN or signing their name on a digital pad.

Starting in early 2015, MiCard will be piloted at Foxdale and Anagh Coar Post Offices. Before this, customers who collect their benefits at either of these Post Offices will receive a letter telling them about MiCard. Social Security will then write to them before the pilot begins detailing how to collect their benefits and pensions using MiCard. Following a pilot programme Social Security plans to roll out MiCard across the Post Office network later in 2015. Customers who collect their benefits at other Post Offices will be contacted directly before MiCard becomes available at their usual Post Office.

Customer Focused:
Customers can access their benefits from the day they are due, at a time that suits them.
Customers will simply have to bring their MiCard to their usual Post Office with photographic proof of their identity*, then sign or enter their 4 digit PIN and collect their cash immediately.
Customers can collect their benefits on a weekly basis, rather than monthly electronic transfers.
MiCard enables a better service for customers, a more efficient way of paying benefits for Social Security while maintaining payments at Post Offices. Isle of Man Post Office has the largest retail network on the Island, with 26 retail outlets located across the Island.


MiCard uses state of the art, secure technology ensuring that each customer gets exactly what they are entitled to, when they are entitled to it.
Each time customers collect benefits at the Post Office using MiCard they will need to provide photographic identification. They can do this by having their photograph printed on their MiCard. Alternatively, they can show their current passport or driving licence with their MiCard each time they collect their benefits.
No cash value is stored on the card.
MiCard can only be used by the customer who is entitled to the benefit**, therefore reducing the risk of fraud.

Cost Effective:
The MiCard system will reduce administration costs for Social Security, as cheques and vouchers will eventually be completely replaced, removing the considerable costs of production, distribution and processing.

What happens next if you collect your benefit or pension from Anagh Coar or Foxdale Post Office?:
Social Security will write to you before the start of the MiCard pilot explaining how it will work, and what you will need to do.
At this time more information will also be available by contacting Social Security directly, either by telephoning 686297 or by visiting any Social Security office.

* Customers will have to provide photographic proof of identity, unless they opt to have their photo printed on the card

** In some cases, Social Security customers have their benefits collected by a nominated person (e.g., a family member or friend) if they are unable to collect themselves. This person is known as a “proxy”. Customers who would like to use Proxy collectors with the new MiCard, should contact Social Security who can help to put the right arrangement in place

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