Applying For Jobs & Search Vacancies Online Isle of Man

Name of the Organization : Isle of Man Department of Economic Development
Type of Facility : Applying For Jobs & Search Vacancies Online
Country : Isle of Man

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Applying For Jobs & Search Vacancies Online :

Apply for a job as soon as you hear about it. Use plain unlined paper (white, cream or pale blue are the best colours) and use black or blue ink.

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You should word process your letter, unless the employer has specifically asked for a handwritten reply. Some employers like to see an applicants writing. Check your spelling, punctuation, grammar and the facts you include (names, dates, places). Do not forget that a computer spell check programme may not spot things like using ‘there’ instead of ‘their’, so check with care.

Letters addressed Dear Sir/Madam should end with yours faithfully, while letters addressed to a person should end with yours sincerely. If you use someone’s name as a reference, always check with her/him first.

When the advert says write for further information, or write for an application form this does not mean write your life history. Simply ask for the details to be sent to you. If you are asked to apply in writing, you should give more details and state clearly why you are applying for the job. Be positive about yourself and your achievements. Keep a copy of your application letter.

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Completing application forms:
An application form is sometimes used instead of a CV or a cover letter, however some companies require you to attach your CV along with your form.

An application form aids employers with identifying what your written communication skills are like as well as making it easier for them to pick out the key details.

When filling in the details of your referees you may also be asked to provide details on how long you have known them for and your relationship with them. You should have a character reference and/or an employment reference.

** take extra copies of the application form so that if you make a mistake then you have a spare
** read very carefully through the instructions on the application form as you may be asked to use block capitals throughout
** always use black or blue ink when filling in your form
** make sure that you have the correct form
** use additional sheets if you run out of room for your qualifications and make reference to this on your application form
** check that the skills you have entered match those set out in the job advertisement
** make sure that you have entered your personal details, education and qualification details along with your career and reference details
** answer all the questions, even if you don’t see the point.
** sign and date your application form. (Please note: many application forms will have a space for a signature and date. This will form a legal declaration that the information you have given is true. If you give false information there can be serious consequences even after you have been taken on by an employer)
** ask for a reference from those who you know will have something positive to say about you
** check before you send your application form off that all the details and dates are correct
** take your time when filling in the form and proof read what you have written. Check your spelling, punctuation and grammar, and make sure that you have filled in dates correctly
** take a photocopy of the finished form so you can refer to your answers before your interview

Do not:
** leave any sections blank. If they are not relevant then put not applicable
** put someone down as a referee without asking permission beforehand
** cross out any mistakes. If you make a mistake, fill in a new form
** leave employment gaps
** be negative as this does you no favours. Always be positive.
** use a family member as a referee
** post your form too late as you will risk missing the closing date

You can leave the ethnic monitoring form blank if you wish. Employers need to include it on application forms to show applicants they are committed to workplace equality.

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