: Check Complaint Status Online Ireland

Name of the Organization : The Office of the Ombudsman
Type of Facility : Check Complaint Status Online
Country: Ireland

Website :

Ombudsman Check Complaint Status Online

You can check the current status of your complaint here. The status is updated on a daily basis.

Related : Ombudsman Online Complaint Form Ireland :

If you cannot get an update on your case, you can contact us by email or telephone.

Check Status :

The following statuses are reported:
Uploaded For Online Complaints:
The online complaint has been uploaded to our servers

ConfirmedBySubmitter: For Online Complaints:
The online complaint has been confirmed by complainant

ReceivedByOmbAdmin For Online Complaints:
The online complaint has been received by the Office

Enquiry For all valid complaints :
Complaint is at enquiry level

Assessment For all valid complaints:
Complaint is being assessed by case worker

Related Post

Examination For all valid complaints:
Complaint is being examined by case worker

Investigation For all valid complaints:
Complaint is being investigated by case worker

Appeal For all valid complaints:
Complaint is being appealed by the complainant

How we deal with your complaint:
Assessment of your complaint:
A caseworker in our Assessment Section is considering your complaint. We may ask the public body you complained about for a report on your complaint, and if necessary, for your case file. If we do this, they have to reply to us within three weeks. We will consider the information they send us about your case. If we can make a decision on your complaint after this, we will. We will write to you and tell you our decision and how we reached it. If we can’t make a decision on your complaint at this stage, we will send your complaint to our Examination Section. We will tell you before we do this.

Examination of your complaint:
Our Examination Section will examine your complaint in more detail. We may need to get further information from you and from the public body. We may also need to examine files from the public body or meet with the staff involved. You can send additional relevant information, views and comments while the examination is being carried out, and we will consider these. When we have finished examining your complaint, we will write to you and tell you our decision and how we reached it.

Keeping in contact:
We will try to complete the examination of your complaint within three to six months. If your case is more complicated, it might take us longer. We will keep you posted on what is happening with your complaint. You are also welcome to call or write to us at any time to find out what is happening.

Decision on your complaint:
The Ombudsman generally upholds 15-20% of complaints. A further 25-30% of complainants get some form of assistance from making a complaint to the Ombudsman. If we find in your favour, we may recommend to the public body that they take action to put things right. Sometimes we find that an apology and an explanation from the public body are sufficient. In exceptional cases, we recommend compensation for financial loss or compensation for the time and trouble taken in making and pursuing a complaint. We cannot make public bodies accept our recommendations. In most cases, however, they will accept them. In many cases we find that the public body has acted correctly. If we find that the public body has acted correctly, we will tell you and explain why we decided this. You have the right to appeal this decision. If you wish to appeal the decision, contact us within one month of receiving our decision letter. Please read more about how you make an appeal in the following paragraphs.

Appealing the Ombudsman’s decision:

If you are not happy with the outcome of your complaint to the Ombudsman, you can ask our Office to re-examine your complaint. This is an appeal. At the appeal stage, we will consider any new information or further views you may have about your case. If you wish to appeal the decision on your complaint, you need to contact us within one month of receiving our decision letter.

Please send your appeal to:
The Appeals Manager
Office of the Ombudsman
18 Lower Leeson Street
Dublin 2.

Or, email your appeal to

Making sure we provide you with a quality service:
We are interested in improving our service. When your case has been completed, we may ask you how you think we dealt with your complaint. We welcome your comments, at any time, about the way we have treated you.

Further information:
You can find further details of what we do on our website.

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