Citizens Information : Personal Public Service Number Ireland

Name of the Organization : Citizens Information Board
Type of Facility : Personal Public Service Number
Country: Ireland

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Personal Public Service Number :

Your Personal Public Service Number (PPS Number) is a unique reference number that helps you access social welfare benefits, public services and information in Ireland.

Related : Citizens Information Board Social Welfare System Ireland :

Before you can be allocated a PPS Number, you must show that you need one for a transaction with a specified body. For example, if you are taking up employment, you need a PPS Number to register with the Revenue Commissioners. However, looking for work is not a transaction with a specified body.

State agencies that use PPS Numbers to identify individuals include the Department of Social Protection, the Revenue Commissioners and the Health Service Executive (HSE).

A PPS Number is always 7 numbers followed by either one or two letters.

The PPS Number was known as the Revenue and Social Insurance (RSI) number. If your number is the same as your spouse’s number but your number has a W at the end, you may need a new PPS Number – see ‘Phasing out of W numbers’ below for more information.

Changes to PPS Numbers in 2013:
The Department of Social Protection (DSP) is extending the current stock of PPS Numbers from January 2013. The extension was necessary because of the exhaustion of the remaining stock of usable numbers.

The format of the new numbers is 9 characters: 7 numbers followed by 2 letters. For individuals, the second letter in the new PPS Number will be ‘A’ (for example, 1234567FA) and for non-individual cases, such as limited companies, trusts, partnerships and unincorporated bodies, it will be ‘H’ (for example, 1234567WH).

The DSP started issuing the new format PPS Numbers (for individuals) in the first quarter of 2013. All companies, trusts, partnerships and unincorporated bodies newly registered after 1 January 2013 will be assigned the new format number.

Existing PPS Numbers and Tax Registration numbers remain unchanged and continue to be valid.

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Using the PPS Number:

You can use your PPS Number for:
** All social welfare services
** The Free Travel Pass
** Pupil ID
** Public health services, including the medical card and the Drugs Payment Scheme
** Child immunisation
** Schemes run by the Revenue Commissioners, such as mortgage interest relief
** Housing grants
** Driver Theory Testing and driver licences

A PPS Number has already been issued to you if:
** You were born in Ireland in or after 1971
** You started work in Ireland after 1979
** You are getting a social welfare payment
** You are taking part in the Drugs Payment Scheme

PPS Numbers are printed on the following documents:
** Public Services Card
** Social Services Card
** Drugs Payment Card
** P60 (the annual statement of pay, tax and social insurance contributions from your employer)
** P45 (the statement of tax and pay to date issued by your employer when you leave employment)
** Tax Assessment
** PAYE Notice of Tax Credits
** Temporary Payment Card

Phasing out of W numbers:
Before 2000 when some women got married they had to use the same Personal Public Service Number as their husband, but with a W at the end of the number. This W number was issued by Revenue to identify spouses in a Joint Assessed relationship. The W number was linked to the PPS Number of the Assessable Spouse (which is the term used in Revenue for the spouse who is charged tax on the income of both spouses).

These numbers are being slowly phased out and W numbers have not been issued since 1999.

If your PPS Number is the same as your husband’s PPS Number but the last letter is W, you must get a new PPS Number in these circumstances:
** If your spouse is deceased
** If you are divorced or separated
** If you were issued with a Social Insurance number before 1979

If you were issued a PPS Number after 1979 and before you married, the Department may re-issue you with your original number on request.

If you are changing your W number for a new PPS Number you do not need to go through the same application process as everyone else. To get your new number or to be re-instated with your old number contact the Client Identity Section in the Department of Social Protection. The phone number is 1890 927 999 or (071) 967 2616.

How to apply:
Only the Department of Social Protection can provide you with a PPS Number. You can find a list of the social welfare local offices that can register Personal Public Service Numbers on the Department of Social Protection’s website.

If you do not know your PPS Number, contact your Intreo Centre or social welfare local office and staff there can find your number for you.

If you are unsure as to whether a particular organisation, person or agent is entitled to request or use your PPS Number, you should contact Client Identity Services in the Department of Social Protection. You can contact Client Identity Services using the secure online request form or by phone at 1890 927 999 or (071) 967 2616. © 2022 Contact Us   Privacy Policy   Site Map