Apply For Import/Export Permits & CITES Certificates Ireland : National Parks & Wildlife Service

Name of the Organization : National Parks & Wildlife Service
Type of Facility : Apply For Import/Export Permits & CITES Certificates
Country: Ireland

Website :

Apply For Import/Export Permits & CITES Certificates:

This page gives you advice and guidance on the application procedure for imports, exports, re-exports and CITES certificates.

Related : National Parks & Wildlife Service Deer Hunting Licence Ireland :

It also provides advice on the import of personal and household effects which may not require permits, and the import of hunting trophies.

Import and export documents must be obtained prior to the shipment taking place. All permits and forms must be presented to customs upon entry to the EU. Permits are valid for a period of six months. There are some specific allowances for imports of personal effects and hunting trophies.

Application Forms for imports, exports and re-exports – Please print off the form and return to:
CITES Management Authority
National Parks and Wildlife Service
7 Ely Place
Dublin 2


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What are CITES Certificates required for?:
The commercial use of any Annex A specimen within the EU must be covered by a CITES Trade Certificate. A certificate is required for specimens of species listed on Annex A for any of the following activities:
** purchase
** offer to purchase
** display for commercial purposes
** use for commercial gain (including breeding or display)
** sale
** keeping for sale
** transporting for sale

Certificates are not only required for live Annex A plants and animals, but also dead parts and derivatives (e.g. body mounts, carapaces, eggs). Internet transactions for Annex A species also require CITES Certificates. A CITES certificate is not required simply to possess an Annex A specimen, nor it is a document of legal ownership. You do not require a CITES certificate to gift an Annex A specimen to another person.

Types of EC Certificate issued:

There are two types of EC Certificate; Transaction Specific Certificates (TSCs) or Specimen Specific Certificates (SSCs).

Transaction Specific Certificates:
** TSCs are issued to the holder of the specimen and are valid only for the person named on the certificate.
** A new certificate is required for a new holder to use the specimen for any commercial purpose.
** TSCs may be issued where a specimen does not meet the requirements for an SSC, or because the species is of particular conservation concern.
** Full commercial use of the specimen may be prohibited.

Specimen Specific Certificates:
** SSCs are issued for the specimen itself, and are valid throughout the lifetime of the specimen whilst in the Member States of the EU.
** They must be passed on to the new owner at the point of sale.
** They may be restricted to those specimens which are permanently and uniquely marked, such as a closed ring for birds, or a uniquely numbered, unalterable microchip transponder for other animals.
** The applicant must demonstrate that the specimen meets one of strict criteria to allow full commercial use.

Movement Certificates:
The majority of import permits and EC Certificates are issued without applying movement a restriction, meaning that the specimens may move freely within the EU. In some cases, a movement restriction may be applied to either an import permit or EC Certificate for a live Annex A specimen. Movement of such specimens to other EC Member States without the prior Authorisation of the Irish Management Authority (MA) is prohibited.

Procedure to apply to move a live Annex A specimen with an existing movement restriction:
** Apply for an EC Certificate under Article 9 of Regulation 338/97, clearly indicating that the application is to move a specimen with an existing movement restriction.
** The Irish MA may need to consult with the Management or Scientific Authority of the EC Member State of destination (where the specimen is intended to be moved to) to confirm that the intended accommodation at the place of destination is adequately equipped to conserve and care for the specimen.
** This needs to take place prior to movement.

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