Social Security Survivor’s Benefit Antigua and Barbuda :

Organisation : Antigua and Barbuda Social Security Board
Facility Name : Survivor’s Benefit
Applicable For : Family members of a deceased insured person
Country : Antigua and Barbuda
Website :

What is Survivor’s Benefit?

This is a benefit payable to certain family members of a deceased insured person who was receiving Invalidity or Age Pension or would have been entitled to Invalidity or Age benefit at the time of death. Survivor’s Benefit is either a pension or a grant.

Related / Similar Facility : Social Security Age Benefit Antigua and Barbuda

A pension is payable monthly for a specific period or for life, if the deceased person had satisfied the conditions for an Invalidity or Age Pension. A grant, which is a one-time payment, is payable if the deceased person would have been entitled to an Invalidity or Age grant.

How To Claim Survivor’s Benefit in Antigua and Barbuda?

Applications must be made within one year of the death of the insured person. The death certificate must be presented to the Social Security Office where an application will be made for Survivor’s Benefit. In addition, the widower/widow is required to submit the marriage certificate and his or her birth certificate or a valid passport to the Social Security Office. In the case of an invalid widower/widow, a medical certificate stating the nature of incapacity is required as well.

When claiming for a child, the child’s birth certificate must be submitted. If the father is the deceased parent and his name is not on the certificate, proof of paternity (evidence that he was the child’s father) must be submitted. A School Attendance Certification form should accompany the application on behalf of the child.

Forms are available at the Social Security Office or the one web site through the Forms tab. The School Attendance Form must be completed and submitted with the Survivor’s application. Also whether local or overseas, this form should be submitted at the end of every September or the benefit will be discontinued until received.

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FAQ On Antigua and Barbuda Survivor’s Benefit

Frequently Asked Questions FAQ On Antigua and Barbuda Survivor’s Benefit

Which survivors of the deceased may be entitled to payments?
Survivors of the deceased who may be entitled to payments are:
** Widow
** Invalid Widower
** Unmarried children under the age 16 or under age 18 if going to school at the time of death

When does a widower or widow become entitled to Survivor’s Benefit?
A widower/widow shall receive Survivor’s Benefit as follows, except where the marriage took place after the insured person started receiving pension:
** A widow who at the time of her husband’s death was ten years below the pensionable age or older and been married for not less than three years shall receive a pension for life or a grant.
** A widow who was an invalid at the time of her husband’s death, regardless of her age, shall receive a pension until the invalidity ceases, or a grant.
** All other widows shall receive one year’s pension.
** A Widower who was an invalid at the time of his wife’s death, had been married not less than three years and had been wholly or mainly supported by his wife before death, shall receive a Survivor’s Pension for so long as the invalidity continues, or a Survivor’s Grant.
** NB The pension payments will cease if a widow or widower either cohabits or remarrys.

How much is a widower’s/widow’s pension?
A widower’s/widow’s pension is 50% of the pension the deceased insured person was receiving or would have received. However, no widower/widow shall receive less than $350.00 per month.

How much is a child’s pension?
A child’s pension is 25% of the pension the deceased insured person was receiving or would have received; where the child is an orphan or an invalid, the amount is 40%. However, no child shall receive less than $87.50 per month.

How much is paid for Survivor’s Grant?
The Survivors’ Grant is the amount that the deceased person would have been entitled to for Invalidity or Age Grant, i.e. 75% of the total contributions (employee and employer) paid up to the time of death, or $1,200 whichever is greater.

When and how will I receive my pension?
Your Survivor’s Pension is payable monthly either through your bank account or paid to a designated payee’s account at your request.

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