Police Permits Requirements Antigua & Barbuda

Organisation : Royal Police Force of Antigua & Barbuda
Facility Name : Police Permits Requirements
Country : Antigua & Barbuda
Website : https://police.gov.ag/permits/

How To Get Police Permits in Antigua & Barbuda?

Requirements of Getting Police Permits in Antigua & Barbuda

Related / Similar Facility : Police Firearm & Driver’s License License Antigua & Barbuda

House Moving Permit Requirements

** C.A Approval
** Drivers Name for the vehicle moving the structure
** Vehicle Number
** Owners Name & Address for structure
** Size of Structure
** Exact Date Moving to be moved
** Route driver taking
** Cost $300.00ECD per structure

Permit To Sell From Vehicle Requirements

** John’s Development
** Name & Address of Person Selling
** Type of Vehicle used for Selling
** Vehicle Number
** Street Selling on
** Vecinity on said Street
** Days Selling
** Start time and End time
** Cost $10.00ECD per day

Heavy Duty Permit Requirements

** Driver’s Name for the Vehicle moving the Container
** Vehicle Number
** Owner’s Name & Address for Container
** Exact Date to be moved
** Time Starting & Finishing
** Route driver taking
** Cost $100.00ECD

FAQ On Antigua & Barbuda Police Permits

Frequently Asked Questions FAQ On Antigua & Barbuda Police Permits

How do I obtain a fire permit?
You can do so at any fire station in close proximity to where you reside.

Related Post

Where can I get a firearm application form?
Anyone who would like to become a firearm license holder can obtain an application at the Police Headquarters.

Other FAQs:
Where can I make a general complaint or report?
You can make a complaint or report at any of the police stations in Antigua and Barbuda, regardless to where you reside. E.g., If a person is residing at Grays Farm and while at Halfmoon Bay, had their bag stolen, that person can go to the Freetown Police Station to make a complaint and have their matter dealt with at that station.

How can I become a member of the police force?
All interested candidates must meet meet the requirements listed below.

All candidates must be a citizen of Antigua and Barbuda, or legally residing in Antigua and Barbuda for such period as the Commissioner of Police may consider to be appropriate.

Candidates must be at least 18 years and not older than 35 years of age.

All interested candidates should possess at least three CXCs General I, II, III (Grade III General Proficiency from June 1998) Basic 1. English A or English B would be an asset.

All candidates must be law abiding citizens and have a high standard of personal behavior and social conduct.

Health and Fitness:
Candidates must be physically fit, healthy and complete all elements of the fitness and medical exams.

Categories: Antigua & Barbuda
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