Driver Theory Test Ireland : Road Safety Authority

Name of the Organization : Road Safety Authority
Type of Facility : Driver Theory Test
Country: Ireland

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Driver Theory Test :

The learner driver theory test was introduced in 2001. By law, before applying for a learner permit, candidates must complete and pass a test of their general road safety knowledge and motoring legislation.

Related : Road Safety Authority Apply Online For Driving Test Ireland :

It applies to anyone applying for a first learner permit in any vehicle category.

The test is designed to check knowledge of topics such as:
** Rules of the Road
** Risk perception
** Eco-driving
** Hazard awareness
** Good driving behaviour

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The test is computer-based but, like the fast check-in kiosks at airports, is designed for those who have little or no experience of using computers as well as those who do.

You will have a chance to take a practice session on the day before starting on the actual test. If you have special needs please contact the Driver Theory Service and explain your requirements.

Car/Work Vehicle and Motorcycles:
The format of the test, based on multiple choice questions, has remained unchanged for Car/Work Vehicle and Motorcycles. Candidates are required to answer correctly 35 out of 40 questions in order to obtain a pass certificate

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Truck & Bus Theory Test:

From 30th September 2014 the Driver Theory Test for the Truck and Bus categories are changing. There will be a new exam in Category C (Truck) and Category D (Bus). The existing Theory Tests for Truck and Bus have been amalgamated with the Driver CPC Multiple Choice (Driver CPC state 1) exam and will now consist of 100 questions.

All candidates taking a test on or after 30 September 2014 will be required to sit the updated ‘Bus Theory Test’ or the ‘Truck Theory Test’. A further option to sit both the Truck and Bus Theory test at the same time is also available. It consists of 140 questions. Where a candidate passes the new Truck or Bus theory test (i.e. test on or after 30 September 2014) there is an option to sit a ‘module’ test to obtain the other category (Truck or Bus as appropriate) provided this is done within 2 years of the first test.

The format of the Bus and Truck Theory Tests, currently based on multiple choice questions, will not change. Candidates will be required to correctly answer 74 out of 100 questions in order to obtain a pass certificate for either the Bus or Truck theory tests. To pass the new combined Bus and Truck theory test, candidates will be required to correctly answer 104 out of 140 questions to obtain a combined pass certificate. To pass the new Bus or Truck Module theory test candidates will be required to answer 30 out of 40 questions correctly.

Candidates at the end of their exam will, regardless of passing or failing, receive feedback based on their performance. They will also receive a list of categories recommended for further study e.g. Road Signs, Markings and Traffic Regulations, Alert Driving and Consideration for Road Users etc. These correspond to the categories listed in the training material. This specific feedback will facilitate revision and help improve overall driving competence.

The Road Safety Authority has made these changes to the Driver Theory Test and its associated learning materials to streamline the process and ensure that learner drivers are better prepared to embark on their on-road training, and to improve road safety for all road users. This is part of a continuous improvement and up-dates regarding the driver theory tests.

Test Review:
A comprehensive review of the Driver Theory Test Study material Book and CD-Rom took place in 2011 with a view to improving the content and its effectiveness as a learning tool. Most of the 1500 questions in the Driver Theory Test 4th Edition were updated revised or replaced. The revisions included new questions and graphics as well as amended versions of existing questions.

Candidates at the end of their exam will regardless of passing or failing also be provided, based on their performance, with a list of the categories recommended for further study e.g. Road Signs, Markings and Traffic Regulations, Alert Driving and Consideration for Road Users etc. All of these correspond to the categories listed in the training Material in order to facilitate revision or help improve overall skills.

The complete list of updated questions is published in the Official Driver Theory Test Book and CD-Rom. These are available to purchase online at and in book shops nationwide. The CD provides ‘Practice Tests’ which simulate the real exam experience and allow candidates to gauge their learning progress.

Driver Theory Service contact:
1890 606 106 (English language)
1890 606 806 (Irish language)
1890 616 216 (text phone – for the hearing-impaired)

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