Santa Fe Provincia Records Information System :

Organisation : Santa Fe Provincia
Facility Name : Records Information System
Province : Santa Fe
Country : Argentina
Website :

How To Find Records in Santa Fe Province?

Welcome to Santa Fe Records Information System. To Find Records in Santa Fe Province online, Follow the below steps

Record State Consultation:
This consultation includes the files initiated in the Retirement Fund and Pensions in the last 10 years and those initiated in the rest of the Provincial Public Administration in the the last 3 years, in addition to those prior to those dates which have registered movements in the last Year.

Step-1 : Go to the link given above
Step-2 : Enter File Number in the space provided and
Step-3 : Click On Find Button

State Consultation of Electronic Records:
Electronic Documentary Management is the beginning of a Public administration without Paper and in the direction of digitization – Full. Allows to gain in time, transparency and environmental care

Step-1 : Go to the link given above
Step-2 : Enter AIO and Numero and Reparticion in the space provided and
Step-3 : Click On Find Button

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Visualization Official electronic documents (GEDO):
The Electronic Electronic Module Official Documents – GEDO is used as a means of creating, recording and archiving the documents inherent in administrative management. All digitally signed documents created using GEDO have the same validity legal and proof that those documents signed olographically.

Step-1 : Go to the link given above
Step-2 : Enter Action, AIO and Numero and Reparticion in the space provided and
Step-3 : Click On Find Button

Santa Fe Civil Registry

The Civil Registry is the body responsible for the registration of all legal acts and acts that give rise to, alter or modify the marital status and/or capacity of the persons; as well as the procedures inherent in the identity and documentation of the persons (DNI/Passport).

Thus, the agency acts through modern, agile and decentralized procedures, on the occasion of guaranteeing the right to identity of citizens. In this regard, it has numerous decentralized registration and documentation offices throughout the provincial territory. It also has a documentary archive located in each of the 19 departments of the Province, and a central documentary archive located in the city of Santa Fe.

With the aim of bringing services closer to the public and ensuring access to the rights of the entire population, the Civil Registry has more than 300 offices distributed throughout the Santa Fesse territory. In addition, through the Santa Fe Acá Program, he travels the territory daily with mobile documentation units, allowing the inhabitants of each Santaphesian town to access his National Identity Document.

Currently, the Civil Registry has incorporated a system of digitization of birth records, deaths, marriages and cohabitation unions, which allows each citizen to access their personal records in a completely online manner. Through these new tools, the Civil Registry is moving towards a more effective, fast and accessible service for all citizens.

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