Armenia Unified Portal For Online Requests : e-request.am

Organisation : Government of the Republic of Armenia
Facility Name : Unified Portal For Online Requests
Country : Armenia
Website : https://e-request.am/en

What is Unified Portal For Online Requests?

Unified portal for online requests aims at creating opportunity for you, To submit online application, request or complaint to state authorities without visiting them, Track your letter with the help of the control number provided and Receive the answer to your letter through the portal or on your e-mail Ministry of Justice of RA proposed to consider the creation of a unified portal for online requests, which would increase the accountability and transparency of public administration, as well as the efficiency of public services.

How To Register Into Unified Portal For Online Requests?

Through the platform you can:
** Send a request/application/complaint or any other letter to around 140 state and subordinate entities.
** Present a letter on behalf of both yourself and an organization. In case of applying on behalf of an organization you should confirm that you have such a right.
** Book a visit to a public official
** Track the processing of your letter with a tracking code provided to you and contact with the responsible to whom your letter is assigned.

Step-1 : Go to the link given above
Step-2 : Click On “Login” Button

Step-3 : Then click on “Register Now” link

Step-4 : Select Citizenship and Next

Step-5 : Fill the Online Registration Form and
Step-6 : Submit Form

How To Login To Unified Portal For Online Requests?

You can login to the portal with the following options:
** With national ID card (You will need an ID card reader)
** With a mobile phone (You will need to activate your mobileID first)
** With a username/password

FAQ On Unified Portal For Online Requests

Frequently Asked Questions FAQ On Unified Portal For Online Requests

I have an ID card and an ID card-reader. What should I do next?
To login to the portal with your ID card, several steps should be made before:
** To login to the portal with your ID card, several steps should be made before:
** Connect the ID card-reader to your computer
** Insert the ID card into the card-reader
** Wait until the CryptoCardMonitor recognizes your ID card and notifies you about the certificates. If you are using the ID card for the first time, please see how to activate your ID card here
** Click on the login icon at e-request.am
** Insert your PIN code and you are ready!

What are the main differences between the letter types and how should I choose the right one?
When choosing which letter type to send to the state entity, you should take into consideration that:
** If you are looking for and (or) want to get information from the information holder, you should choose the letter type “Request”
** If you have a question that an authorized state body can solve you should choose the letter type “Application”
** If you believe that the actions or omissions by the state body have violated rights and freedoms, you should choose the letter type “Complaint”
** If the previous types are out of scope of the matter of your letter, you should choose the letter type “Letter”

Which are the entities to which I can apply to?
Around 140 state entities and subordinates are available in the portal for applying to. The list of entities include ministries, inspectorates, territorial administrations, committees, medical institutions, universities, etc.

I have a problem, but I do not know which state entity could deal with it. What should I do?
In such cases consider writing a letter to the Office of the Prime Minister. Your letter will be redirected to the respective state entity responsible for your case. You will receive a notification accordingly.

How do I send a letter on behalf of an organization?
** The second step in the “Send an application, request or complaint” section offers two options for applying: on behalf of an individual or a legal entity. You should pick the “Legal entity” as an option.
** Confirm that you are eligible to apply on behalf of that legal entity.
** Prepare a letter or attach a letter on a company letterhead.
** Attach other documents if necessary.
** Sign the letter electronically right through the portal and send it.

Can I send the letter with our company’s letterhead?
Yes, you can send the letter with your company’s letterhead by ticking the “The letter is submitted on the company letterhead” option in the step “Fill in the envelope and prepare the letter”. You can attach the letter either with a digital signature or sign it right through the portal.

Categories: Armenia
Tags: e-request.am
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