Organisation : Judicial Information System (Datalex Portal)
Facility Name : Court Case Search
Country : Armenia
Website :
What is DataLex Portal?
DataLex Portal is intended for providing online services in the field of court proceedings, which is aimed at facilitating the communication between the courts and citizens.
Related / Similar Facility : Azdarar Online Notification Portal Armenia
DataLex portal provides citizens with the opportunity to use the following online services.
** Court case search
** Court hearings schedule
** Similar case search
** Online payments
** Online application submission
How To Search Court Case On DataLex Portal in Armenia?
Search for legal cases based on different parameters such as case type, case number, court name, judge name, plaintiff name, defendant name, filing date, matter of litigation, date of verdict, law article, etc. The search results display detailed information about the case proceedings and court verdicts.
To conduct a search for court cases, go to the corresponding page of the portal, select the type of the case (civic, criminal, administrative, etc.), specify the search conditions (court name, court case number, judge name, plaintiff name, defendant name, etc.) and click the button “Search”.
Search Court Case Here :

FAQ On DataLex Portal
Frequently Asked Questions FAQ On DataLex Portal
Question: Which cases are available for search and which are not?
Answer: All the cases heard at all courts of three instances of the Judicial System of Armenia are available for public search with the exception of proceedings in private and the ones being declared confidential by the court’s decision.
Question: Is it possible to view the verdicts of court cases?
Answer: You can view the verdicts of finished case proceedings while searching for court cases if those are not declared confidential by the court’s decision.
Question: Which are the parameters being considered while searching the similar cases?
Answer: Search parameters for the similar cases are matter of litigation/claim, article, crime, and others.
Question: What information does the Court Hearings Schedule provide?
Answer: The Court Hearings Schedule is intended for displaying court hearings sorted by date and time. The displayed information for the specific court should contain the following details: hearing date and time, case number, judge name, hearing courtroom, names of parties, case hearing status (e.g. in progress, finished, prolonged, etc.), case matter/articles, and etc.
Question: Who can use the service for online application submission?
Answer: The primary aim of the Online Application Submission service is to facilitate the application process of payment order proceedings where the plaintiff organization frequently applies to court for the same reason. This is dictated by those organizations activity fields. Such organizations are the State Motor Vehicle Inspectorate, Armentel CJSC, K-Telecom LTD, and others.
Question: How to search for RA laws and legal acts?
Answer: To search for RA laws and legal acts, go to the corresponding page, insert one or several words related to the specific legal act in the search field and click the “Search” button. The search results will display information as per the specified conditions retrieved from the Armenian Legal Information System (ARLIS) database.
Question: Where are the public informative kiosks located?
Answer: DataLex public informative kiosks are available at all court locations of Yerevan and regional court houses of Armenia, as well as other state institutions such as the RA Government, Administration of the President, The Ministry of Justice, Prosecutor’s office, The Constitutional Court, Human Rights Defender’s Office, The Chamber of Advocates, The Faculty of Law at the Yerevan State University and other places.
Question: What is the aim of public informative kiosks?
Answer: Public Informative Kiosks are aimed at raising public awareness about the judicial system in Armenia, its functions and procedures, as well as for providing basic and complete information about current and finished court case proceedings.