Household Budget Scheme Ireland : Citizens Information

Name of the Organization : Citizens Information Board
Type of Facility : Household Budget Scheme
Country: Ireland

Website :

Household Budget Scheme:

The Household Budget Scheme is a scheme that helps those getting certain social welfare payments in Ireland to spread the cost of some household bills over the year. Under this scheme, a fixed amount is deducted from your social welfare payment each week.

Related : Citizens Information Board Social Welfare System Ireland :

The scheme is operated by An Post and in order to qualify, you must be getting a specified social welfare payment and your payment must be paid through your local post office. The Household Budget Scheme is free of charge.

What bills can I pay under the Household Budget Scheme?:
Currently you can pay the following service providers under the Scheme:
** Local authority rent (for new applications, from 1 January 2014, you cannot withdraw from the scheme without the consent of your housing body)
** ESB
** Bord Gáis
** Eircom
** Airtricity

The Social Welfare Act 2012 made changes to the suppliers that can be paid under the Household Budget Scheme. However, An Post must have an agreement in place with the relevant supplier to make deductions from your social welfare payment. You should speak to An Post to see if your supplier is availing of the Household Budget facility.

If your service provider is not listed above, you cannot pay them under the Household Budget Scheme.

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You must be getting one of the social welfare payments listed above to apply for the Household Budget Scheme.

How much can I deduct?:
You can opt to cover the full amount of the bill. You cannot however have more than 25% of your total weekly social welfare payment deducted under this scheme. A minimum amount must be deducted each week for each bill to be paid under the Household Budget Scheme. The deduction from your payment will be passed on to pay your bill within 4 days of you getting your payment at the post office.

Can I change the amount deducted?:
Yes. To make changes to current deductions, you must complete a new Household Budget Instruction Form and send it to the address below. If you want to make changes to the deductions paid to a housing body you must include a letter of authorisation from the housing body.

How can I stop a deduction?:
To cancel a deduction you must give 2 weeks written notice to An Post (see address below). Remember to give your name, address, PPS number and details of the deductions you want to cancel, including the account number. If you want to cancel the deductions paid to a housing body you must include a letter of authorisation from the housing body.

How to apply:
To open an account complete a Household Budget Deduction Instruction Form for each bill you want to make a weekly payment towards. Send your completed form marked ‘Freepost’ (you do not need a stamp) to the address below. Forms are also available in your local Post Office.

It will take about 28 days to process your request to have deductions made from your social welfare payment.

Where to apply:
Further questions about the Household Budget Scheme is available from An Post at the address below.
Household Budget Scheme
An Post
Dublin 1

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