Claiming a Social Welfare Payment Ireland : Citizens Information

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Type of Facility : Claiming a Social Welfare Payment
Country: Ireland

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Claiming a Social Welfare Payment:

The Department of Social Protection has a range of social welfare payments that provide financial support. To get a social welfare payment, you must apply. So, if you think you are entitled to a payment you should apply unless you are certain you don’t qualify.

Related : Citizens Information Board Supplementary Welfare Allowance Ireland :

Your first step before applying, is to find out which payment you may be entitled to. Payments are available for unemployed people, for families and children, for widows, widowers and surviving civil partners, for guardians or orphans, for older and retired people and for disabled people and their carers. If you get a social welfare payment you may also qualify for extra social welfare benefits.

The Household Budget Scheme allows people who get certain social welfare payments to have regular small amounts directly deducted from their social welfare payment to pay household bills. For example, telephone, gas, electricity and local authority rent.


To apply for a social welfare payment you must fill in an application form and provide other supporting documentation. The information and documentation varies from one payment to another. The type of documentation required will also depend on your personal circumstances. However, you must normally submit some documentation with your claim form. For example, for most claims you will need to submit your birth certificate.

If you qualify for a payment, you may be able to get an increase in your payment for an adult dependant. You may be able to claim for a child dependant. If it is possible to claim for dependants, the Department of Social Protection will request information about your dependants on the application form.

It may take some time for the Department to process your claim. As part of the procedure, you may be interviewed in your home or asked to attend an interview at your local social welfare office.

While your claim is being processed by the Department, you may qualify for Supplementary Welfare Allowance.

It is important that you make your claim as soon as you know you are entitled to the payment. All payments must be claimed within a specific period of time. If you don’t claim on time you may lose out. Find out more about making a late claim.

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If you are asked to provide information reasonably required by a social welfare inspector when investigating your claim you must provide the statements, information or documents within 21 days. The same time period applies to your spouse, civil partner, cohabitant, employer and certain other people (for example, landlords).

If you are refused a social welfare payment or get a lesser amount than you expected, you have 21 days to appeal the decision of the Department of Social Protection.

There is additional information about how the Department makes decisions on claims in ‘Further information’ below.

How to apply:
You must complete the application form and provide supporting documentation. You can get an application or claim form, from the Department of Social Protection, your social welfare local office or your local Citizens Information Centre. You can also get an application form from the Department’s website.

Your social welfare local office or your local Citizens Information Centre will help you fill in your claim form.

If you need a birth, marriage or death certificate for any social welfare insurance or assistance payment it may be purchased for a reduced rate (currently €1) from your nearest Superintendent Registrars Office or the General Registrar Office (GRO). To get the reduced rate you need a letter or note from the Department to prove that the certificate is needed for those purposes. The Department of Social Protection will keep any certificates you get for a reduced fee.

The General Registers Office keeps all records relating to births, deaths and marriages in Ireland (not Northern Ireland). Birth certificates of adopted children and non-Catholic marriage certificates are only available from the General Register Office. The Superintendent Registrars are located in each county and hold records of all births, deaths and marriages that took place in those counties. You can get more information about getting a Birth, Marriage or Death certificate.

Where to apply:
To claim a social welfare payment you should fill in the correct application form and return it to the Department of Social Protection. The return address is printed on the application form.

To apply for Rent Supplement, Mortgage Interest Supplement or other payments under the Supplementary Welfare Scheme you must apply to the Department of Social Protection’s representative (formerly known as the Community Welfare Officer) at your local health centre.

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