Chip Karte Order e-Card Austria : chipkarte.at

Organisation : Chip Karte
Facility Name : e-Card Order
Country : Austria
Website : https://www.chipkarte.at/cdscontent/?contentid=10007.678532&portal=ecardportal

How To Order e-Card in Austria?

Here you can apply for the exhibition of a new e-card. Please fill out the form, submit it (send) and we will send you the e-card by post. Since January 2020, must pay at every newly issued e-card for persons from the completed 14th any of the size of the 14th day. A photo comes to be applied. With the photo immediate check, you can easily check whether a photo is currently available from you. If not, you need to take a photo. All registries and the documents to be brought along can be found at www.chipkarte.at/foto.

Related / Similar Facility : European Health Insurance Card (EKVK) Austria

If NO photo is available and there is NO exception, no e-card can be issued! In the event of loss, theft or damage, the currently valid e-card SOFORT will be suspended in order to avoid any misuse. If you choose “Execute European Health Insurance Card” with the reasoned reason, you can still use your currently valid card until you have received the new e-card. Only after that the old map will be blocked.

The newly issued e-card contains the personal data stored in the stability of the social insurance system. Deviating data in this form is not taken into account, since changes of personal data can only be made by the responsible social security institution upon presentation of the corresponding documents.

You can obtain further information about this as well as information about any incurring costs from your social insurance institution. e-card service line: 050 124 33 11

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What does the e-Card Cost?

The exhibition of the e-card is free of charge. The legislature is subject to section 135 para. 3 SVG per calendar year Service fee provided for the e-card, which is collected by the employer. The service fee is held on 15.11. for the next calendar year.

FAQ On e-Card

Frequently Asked Questions FAQ On e-Card

What do I do with my old e-card when I get a new one sent?
At the e-card, special emphasis is placed on an environmentally friendly card body material. PET can be recycled almost without residue. Due to a legal change, chip cards have been subject to the Waste Electrical Equipment Ordinance since 2020. The “scroped waste bin on wheels” on the back of the e-card is the marking of the card manufacturer in accordance with the waste electrical device regulation.

This means that suitable transfer points for these chip cards have been set up for professional disposal. You have the option of having invalid or defective cards disposed of professionally at a municipal collection point (waste collection centre, manure site, recycling court, etc.).

I get a new e-card if do I change the employer or change my insurance status?
Your e-card will remain usable if you change the employer or your insurance company changes for other reasons (unemployment, Family status, relocation, pension or retirement, change the insurer after interruption of your insurance cover etc.)

The e-card will not be exchanged for these reasons, as this information is provided on Card itself is not stored, but in the e-card system. The one on the Back of the e-card (European Health Insurance Card) indicated Health Insurance is only the exhibitor of the card. The expiration date, up to which your e-card remains valid, can also be found on the back of the e-card at the bottom right corner.

How much does it cost to a re-exhibition of e-card?
The initial exhibition of your e-card and the exchange when the European Health Insurance Card expires (on the back of your e-card), after name changes or for malicious cards are free for you. For the exhibition lost cards or cards whose uselessness is due to you a fee can be charged. The card is the property of issuing body.

Categories: Austria
Tags: chipkarte.at
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