bee-eme-certificate.co.za Application : South African Accountants

Organization : South African Accountants
Type of Facility : BEE EME Certificate Application
Country: South Africa
Website : http://www.bee-eme-certificate.co.za/

BEE EME Certificate Application

Step 1 – complete application form online
Step 2 – refer to your email as to what we require.
Step 3 – email us all the info. We issue the BEE EME Certificate in 24 hrs.

Related / Similar Service :
Temporary Residence Permits South Africa

Open Spitz Account Online South Africa

Requirements for BEE EME Certificate:
** Copy of company registration documents (FOR CC & COMPANIES)
** Copy of owners ID’s.
** Sworn affidavit confirming ownership and annual revenue.
** Proof of annual turnover (only if entity is older than 1 year)
** Payment of R 450

Who Qualifies?:
** Any entity with an annual revenue less than R 5 million qualify
** All start-up entities qualify as an Exempt Micro Enterprise

A start-up entity is a recently registered entity (e.g. company) that has been in operation for less than 12 months.

Who may issue these certificates?:
** Auditors
** Accounting Officers
** Sanas Verification Agencies

Start-up enterprises:
Start-up enterprises are measured as Exempted Micro-Enterprises for BEE. under this statement for the first year following their formation or incorporation. In order to qualify as a Start-up Enterprise, the enterprise must provide an independent confirmation of its status.

To who does BEE apply?:
BEE applies to those who are citizens of South Africa by birth or descent, or who became South African citizens by naturalization before 27 April 1994 and to who would have been entitled to acquire citizenship by naturalization prior to that date.

Such a person may have become a SA Citizen after 27 April 1994 or have a valid work permit, but must not be recognized as “black” or benefit from BEE.

Neither are their children, unless the other parent is “black” by definition.

BEE EME Levels

All our certificates are issued in capacity as Accounting Officer for an exempt enterprise or a start-up entity.

Any entity conducting a business, a trade or profession in South Africa and whose annual income is less than R 5 million are measured as follows:

Level 3 contributor:
Black ownership must be 51% or more.
Has a procurement recognition of 110%

Level 4 contributor:
Black ownership is LESS than 51%
Has a procurement recognition of 100%

“Black” includes African, Indian and Colored South African Citizens.

For a value added entity (an entity registered for VAT, whose net profit and salaries exceed 25% of the total turnover receive an enhanced recognition of 125%. An exempt entity is allowed to be measured in terms of the QSE scorecard, should they wish to maximize their points and move to the next procurement recognition level.

Any or the authorized verification agencies can issue such BEE Certificates measured in terms of these QSE scorecards

Payment Details

Account Name – BEE Certificate
Bank Name – First National Bank
Account No – 62430313346
Branch No – 210053 (6 digits) | 21005300 (8 digits)
Reference No – Reference Number or Company Name

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I obtain a BEE EME Certificate?
Step 1 – click here and complete the application form online.
Step 2 – you will receive a confirmation email with an affidavit form.
Step 3 – sign and stamp affidavit at any police station.

Step 4 – send us the following :
** signed and stamped affidavit
** copy of company registration
** proof of payment (R 450)

Step 5 – we send you the BEE EME Certificate by email.
** We issue in capacity as Accounting Officer.
** Please email or fax all documents and payment confirmation to: info@beecertificates.net
** As soon as all documents received your BEE EME Certificate will be send to you.

Categories: South Africa
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