beecertification.co.za EME Certificate South Africa : BEE Certification Pty Ltd

Organization : BEE Certification (Pty) Ltd
Type of Facility : EME Certificate
Country: South Africa
Website : ee.co.za/article/lead-ed-ex-certification-in-south-africa.html

BEE Certification EME Certificate

Who we are:
BEE Certification (Pty) Ltd., a South African B-BBEE verification, rating and certification specialist, is your solution if your company needs to be rated properly, quickly and effectively.

Related : South African Accountants BEE EME Certificate Application : www.statusin.org/7196.html

So if you’re looking for a formal B-BBEE rating or information regarding broad-based black economic empowerment, you’re in the right place. Based in Johannesburg, South Africa, we assist companies and organisations, large and small, right across the country. We offer our services under the guidance and standards of IRBA (Practise Number: 902316-0000).

What we offer:
BEE Certification is also able to assist you with BEE research, training and advice and our website is your resource for complimentary online forms and requests, informative newsletters, training notes and useful tools to help you to simplify your B-BBEE verification or certification process.

What is B-BBEE?:
Broad Based Black Economic Empowerment (BEE) is a national transformation programme launched by the Government to give previously disadvantaged groups economic opportunities that were previously unavailable to them.

These include Ownership, Management, Employment Equity, Skills Development, Preferential Procurement, Enterprise Development and Socio Economic Development.

What you get:
To ensure that you receive the best and most efficient BEE certification services, our professional and highly qualified team of verification analysts is waiting to verify your company and to issue you with a valid B-BBEE certificate, based on the published BEE codes of good practice, the BEE Act of 2003 and BBBEE sector charters, among other considerations.

BEE CERTIFICATION (Pty) Ltd Statement:
BEE Certification (Pty) Ltd understands the importance of confidentiality and is committed to ensure and maintain the highest level of confidentiality in all operations;

BEE Certification (Pty) Ltd understands the importance of and is committed to impartiality especially when managing conflicts of interest;

BEE Certification (Pty) Ltd undertakes not to imply that BEE Verification would be simpler, faster, or less expensive where the services of Consultancy Agencies are employed.

BEE in Brief:
BEE is essentially a growth strategy to redress the disproportion of wealth distribution in South Africa’s economy. It is a Government initiative to help and support designated groups in South Africa which has suffered from a disadvantage prior to 1994. This initiative is driven by legislation and regulation.

The BEE Act of 2003 was used as framework for the Codes of good practice issued by the Department of trade and industry to encourage and measure Broad Based Black Economic Empowerment within all government bodies, public and private organizations.

The Codes of Good Practice measures a companies’ empowerment progress in seven areas:
** Direct empowerment through ownership and control of enterprises and assets.
** Management at senior level.
** Human resource development and employment equity.

Indirect empowerment through
** Preferential procurement,
** Enterprise development, and
** Corporate social investments.

The codes are binding on all state of bodies and public companies, and the government is required to apply them when making economic decisions on:
** Procurement,
** Licensing and concessions,
** Public-private partnerships, and
** The sale of state-owned assets or businesses

The ongoing success and growth of the BEE codes is generally in the encouragement of companies to apply BEE principles in their own procurement policies as this will affect most private companies throughout the supply chain.

Categories: South Africa
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