beecertificate-sa.co.za : Renew Your BEE Certificate South Africa

Organization : BEE Certificate SA
Type of Facility : Renew Your BEE Certificate
Country: South Africa
Website https://www.beecertificate-sa.co.za/

Renew Your BEE Certificate

So why is it so important to renew your BEE Certificate? The biggest reason is that you have to keep your BEE Certificate up to date to make sure that your status is correct up to that year.

Related : BEE Certification Pty Ltd EME Certificate South Africa : www.statusin.org/7197.html

So anyone that has a BEE, but it’s from 3 or 4 years ago, make sure that you get that updates immediately.

In the current economic circumstances in South Africa, it is crucial for any business, large or small to have a BEE Certificate. With the current BEE policies in place, it is of the utmost importance for any company to apply or renew their bee certificate.

So how do you renew your BEE Certificate?:
You can simply just fill in the application form on our website and apply for a new BEE Certificate. We keep track and will contact you when the time is due for your yearly renewal. We will thus from now on, make sure that you are kept up to date with your BEE Certificate.

We have been helping allot of business countrywide with their BEE Certificates and continue to grow every month. So if you do need our help, be sure to complete the application form online.

We are currently members of the Institute of Accounting & Commerce & South African Institute of Tax Practitioners.

Turnaround Time

On receipt of all relevant documents, as listed above, I will reply to your email to confirm receipt, or ask for additional information.

Once I have confirmed that everything is correct it takes approximately 24hrs to issue you with the BEE Certificate. Please note that if you submit the day before a public holiday or a weekend, the turnaround time does not include public holidays or weekends.

Sectoral Charters

Turnover Threshold – R 10 million :
General Sector (Construction sector is included here) – BEE Affidavit
CA (Chartered Accountants) – BEE Affidavit
MAC (Media, Advertising and Communication) – BEE Affidavit
ICT (Information and Communication Technology) – BEE Affidavit
Forestry – BEE Affidavit
Property (Service Based) – BEE Affidavit

Turnover Threshold – R5 million :
Tourism – BEE Affidavit
Agriculture – BEE Certificate
FSC (Financial Sector) – BEE Certificate
Transport – BEE Certificate

Other: (requires a BEE Affidavit)
Property (Asset Based) – Turnover Threshold R80 million
Property (Estate Agents/Brokers) – Turnover Threshold R2.5 million
Please note that EME BEE Certificates are no longer available for companies with an annual turnover of less than R10 000 000. EME BEE Certificates have been replaced with BEE Affidavits and we are able to assist you with a BEE Affidavit for R180.

Required Documents

So what can your Bee Certificate be used for?
Entities use their Bee Certificate to claim procurement consumed and thus the more an entity use BEE suppliers that are compliant, the higher the chance to get a high level Bee Certificate.

For anyone currently operating a business in South Africa, it is crucial to have a Bee Certificate and that’s why we decided to create this website, to offer this valuable service and information on this Certificate.

BEE Exempt Certificate Application :

The documentation and requirements we need in order to provide you with a Bee Certificate are as follows:
** ID documents of all the shareholders and directors
** You’re up to date CIPRO / CIPC registration documents
** Documented proof of shareholding
** Documented proof that your yearly turnover is less than 5 Million Rand.

To apply of or Bee Certificate, simply complete our application form and we will provide you with list of requirements we need on the following page as well as our bank details etc. The cost for a BEE Exempt Certificate is R390.

BEE Certificate

BEE Certificate Application Welcome to Bee Certificate SA and herewith you’ll find all the relevant information on getting a Bee Certificate. We have been offering this service to clients countrywide for a while now and we have had great feedback regarding our speedy service.

We can provide you with a BEE Certificate in 24 hours, from when we receive all the correct required documentation as stated, as well as proof of payment.

We have been getting quite allot of questions from our clients regarding who exactly can apply for a Bee Certificate and we decided to give everyone some feedback regarding this issue. The basic ground rule is that a Bee Certificate can be awarded to an entity when its turnover is less than 5 million per year (per annum).

A Bee Certificate is then valid for 1 year and we urge everyone who has got a Bee Certificate to make sure that it is valid, since you do need to resubmit to your supplier’s annually. It is thus very important to make sure that you do renew your Bee Certificate and keep it valid.

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