Bahamas Diplomat Identification Card : immigration.gov.bs

Organisation : Bahamas Immigration Department
Facility Name : Diplomat Identification Card
Applicable For : Diplomats (or) Consular Officers taking up post in the Bahamas
Country : Bahamas
Website : https://www.immigration.gov.bs/residence/diplomats/

What is Bahamas Diplomat Identification Card?

Diplomats or Consular Officers taking up post in The Bahamas for official government business may make application in the prescribed form through The Ministry of Foreign Affairs in order to be endowed with resident Diplomat status.

Related / Similar Facility : Government Contract Worker ID Bahamas

Requirements of Bahamas Diplomat Identification Card

** Letter of request from The Ministry of Foreign Affairs
** Two (2) current passport size photographs of the applicant on white background with name printed on reverse (captured within six (6) months of application, photo size must be 2 X 2 inches)
** VALID copy of biographical page of the applicant’s passport (passport must be signed and readable and have at least two (2) months validity)
** Certified copy of marriage certificate (if applicable)
** Certified copy of birth certificate showing parents’ names (if minor)

Please be advised that the above mentioned documents are also required for accompanying dependents.

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How To Apply For Diplomat Identification Card in Bahamas?

An applicant applying for Diplomat Identification Card is required to submit the above mentioned documents with this application.

All further correspondence should be addressed to:
Director of Immigration
P.O. Box N-831
Nassau, Bahamas

Please note that:
1. Certified translations in English are required for each foreign document submitted and should have a $10.00 Bahamian postage stamp affixed thereto.
2. Translations must be prepared by someone proficient in the relevant foreign language.
3. Persons applying for diplomatic status must be accredited by The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Bahamas).

About Bahamas Department of Immigration:
The Bahamas and the surrounding region of The Americas and Caribbean share a rich history of immigration and emigration which continues to manifest in the form of tourism, cultural diaspora, economic migration and the like. In The Bahamas (former British colony), the Governor-in-Council of the day passed the Law of Emigrating in 1920 to monitor and control such movements.

This law was eventually followed by the 1928 Act, to formally establish the post of Immigration Officer. Under this Act, the Immigration Officer of New Providence and Commissioners in their respective out island districts were authorized to administer the laws dealing with the grant/refusal of leave to land and the deportation of foreign nationals. However, the ultimate control on Immigration matters during this period remained with the Governor-in-Council for the colonies.

Over the years, various areas the Immigration Act have been amended to enable the Department to effect its mandate of supervision and control. A more recent and notable inclusion to the Department’s mandate of control is The Bahamas Immigration Detention Centre, the former Carmichael Road Primary School, this entity serves as a transitory holding facility until repatriation arrangements are made for detainees.

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