matric-exams.westerncape.gov.za : Online Senior Certificate Examination Registration Western Cape

Organization : Western Cape Government
Type of Facility : Online Senior Certificate Examination Registration
Country: South Africa
Website : https://www.westerncape.gov.za/news/registrations-open-senior-examinations-2018

Western Cape Online Examination Application

Online application is the first WEB based application process for any examination administered by the Department of Education.

Related : Western Cape Education Application for Issue of Certificates/Diplomas : www.statusin.org/7215.html

Please read the information brochure on the WCED site referring to the Senior Certificate Examination before completing the online application.

Register for Access

** Click on the [Register] link in the main menu bar in the top right corner of the application.
** You may also click on the [Create an account] link at the bottom of the home page under the User’s Tasks options.
** You could also click on the [create an account] link when trying to log in.
** Once the registration page is displayed enter the appropriate information.
** Remember to tick the “Allow us to store your personal information” checkbox.
** Click the Create button to complete.

What happens if I don’t have an email address?:
** You can create an email account from any email service provider. A list of commonly used email service providers is displayed when you click the [create email] link on the registration page of a new account.

Two Popular Email Service Providers:
** Google Gmail
** Yahoo Mail


How long should my password be?:
** Your password length should be a minimum of 6 characters.
** It is advised that you use a complex password. You may include upper and lower case characters, special symbols and numbers. This would improve the security of your account.

How do I retrieve my password?:
** To retrieve your password click on the [forgot password] link under the User’s Tasks options. You would be requested to provide your username. If you forgot your username refer to question “How do I retrieve my username?”.
** Choose your secret question and enter the correct answer.
** Click the Retrieve button.
** Login to your Email account and open the email sent from the EXAM ONLINE APPLICATION.
** Use the new password in the sent email to login. View question “How do I Sign in?”.
** After logging into EXAM ONLINE APPLICATION enter the verification code you received in the password reset email.

Note: Your secret question and its answer were specified by you upon first time registration.

If you forgot your secret question or answer:
** Choose the ID No. /Passport No. option from the “Select Question” drop down list and enter your ID number into the answer field.
** Click the Retrieve button.
** A list of possible usernames will be displayed on the screen. Login with your own username.
** A re-verification of your account would have to take place on re-login with your new password. On your next Login enter the verification code you received in the password reset email.

How do I retrieve my username?:
** To retrieve your username click the [forgot Username] link under the User’s Tasks options on the main page.
** Choose your secret question and enter the answer in the answer field.
** Click the Retrieve button.

If you forgot your secret question or answer:
** Choose the ID No./Passport No. option from the “Select Question” drop down list and enter your ID number into the answer field.
** Click the Retrieve button.
** A list of possible usernames will be displayed on the screen. Login with your own username.

Note: Your secret question and its answer were specified by you upon first time registration.

Contact Us

For Western Cape Education Department Examination information and services:
Call Us: 021 4672000
Monday to Friday 07:30 – 16:00
cost of a local telephone call from anywhere in South Africa

Visit Us: Grand Central Towers, lower Parliament Street, Cape Town
weekdays 07:30 – 16:00

E-mail Us: examregistrations AT westerncape.gov.za

Categories: South Africa

View Comments (3)

  • I did register my exam already, but I can't seem to find the email of my sitting centre. Please help me.

  • My registration was confirm, but there are errors indicated in my document. It shows that I have to write 3 subjects when I applied to write 2 subjects.

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