Belize Social Security Non Contributory Pension :

Organization : Belize Social Security Board
Facility : Non Contributory Pension
Country : Belize
Website :

What is Non Contributory Pension?

Non Contributory Pension (NCP) is a monthly pension of $100.00 paid to females 65 years of age or older OR males 67 years of age or older who have no source of income or inadequate means of support. In cases where an applicant cannot sign, an X must be placed in the presence of an SSB official. If there is an entitlement to a contributory long term grant from SSB, the pensioner may opt to receive one of these benefits (Grant or NCP) but not both.

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Requirements of Non Contributory Pension

A monthly pension of $100.00 is paid to all who meet the following requirements:
** Be a female 65 years of age or older OR male 67 years of age or older
** Possess a valid Social Security Card
** Have no source of income or inadequate means of support; and
** Be a Born Belizean or Naturalized Belizean

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Application Process of Non Contributory Pension

** All applicants are to fill out an application form (NCP1). The form is to be completely and accurately filled out.
** The application is to be submitted to any of the Social Security branch offices.
** An Inspector or OSH officer visits the home of the applicant to verify the information written on the application form as well as to assess living conditions.
** Investigation procedures should be done within 30 days of receipt of an application after which a full report is sent to the Manager-Benefits Department, HQ.
** The NCPC reviews the applications once per month and makes decisions.
** Applications are processed by Social Security Board’s Benefits Department at Headquarters in Belmopan based on the Committee’s decision.
** All applicants are informed in writing of their application status.

Approved Applications:
** The pensioner collects his/her monthly pension cheque at any Atlantic Bank Branch throughout the country or if none (bank) then they must visit the Social Security Office where the application was submitted.
** An approved application may be revoked if the NCPC determines that the applicant no longer meets the qualifying conditions or has received a Grant(Retirement Benefit).
** In order to continuously receive an NCP pension, a pensioner’s declaration form (NCP P6) must be filled out once every six months (every December and June) and be submitted to SSB. Late submission will result in revocation of the NCP with an option to apply after six months.
** N.B. Only one person in a household can receive the NCP.

Disallowed Applications:
An application will be disallowed if the applicant is:
** Receiving a benefit from any local or external entity such as Social Security, the Government of Belize, the US Government and/or Private pension scheme;
** Employed;
** Self-employed;
** Receiving an income from any source or has adequate means of support;
** Provides false information.
** A long term grant has been received e.g. Survivor’s Benefit, Retirement, etc.
** The applicant does not reside in Belize or is found to be out of the country.

Non-Contributory Pension Calendar

NCP Standing Order:
If, for some permanent medical reason, one is unable to personally collect his/her NCP pension, then an NCP standing order authorization form can be obtained from any branch office. Once the form is completed and returned, authority can be given for someone else to collect the NCP pension on the pensioner’s behalf.

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