Organization : Belize Social Security Board
Facility : Investment Loan
Country : Belize
Website :
What is Belize Investment Loan?
The Social Security Board is a major supporter in the economic development of Belize through its investments in the main sectors of our nation. These investments have impacted Belize’s major industries to the benefit of all Belizeans and the Belizean economy. The goal of the Investment Services is to establish and maintain high quality grade and diversified investment loan portfolios in the Belizean environment realizing the greatest possible returns in order to ensure payment of all current and future benefits to beneficiaries.
Related / Similar Facility : Belize Social Security Non Contributory Pension
Areas of Belize Investment Loan
The department is intended to sustain economically targeted investments or socially desirable projects in the areas of
** Agriculture and Aquaculture
** Building and Construction
** Education
** Health
** Manufacturing
** Real Estate
** Transportation
** Tourism
** Utilities
Type of Investment Loan
Type of Investment Loans include:
** Start-Ups
** Commercial Loans
** Syndication Loans
Use of Funds:
** Acquisition of Business
** Business Expansions
** Working Capital
** Purchase of Real Estate
** Purchase of Equipment
Approved Investment Loans are classified as follows:
Short Term: Up to one year.
Medium Term: More than one year but up to five years.
Long Term: More than five years.
Objectives of Investment Services
The main objectives of the Investment Services are:
** To establish and maintain an efficient investment and mortgage administration system.
** To identify and establish appropriate lending policies, practices and procedures.
** To assure the availability of sufficient assets to pay benefit liabilities when due.
** To maximize the total rate of return within prudent and acceptable levels of risk and liquidity.
** To ensure adequate diversification and to preserve capital.
** To grow assets at a rate to keep pace with inflation and a reasonable level of growth in benefits.
** To assure the full utilization of assets in a cost effective and efficient manner.
** To ensure proper and adequate collateral security and safe custody of all documents and valuables lodged in connection with approved loans and investments.
Investment Services is continuously looking for new investment opportunities and will continue to invest in infrastructure needed to sustain superior performance into the future.
Loan Requirements:
1. Formal letter applying for credit and completed loan application.
2. Detailed project description with purpose, location, scope, and duration.
3. Company Legal Documents
4. Audited financials for the last 3 years.
5. Financial model including:
** Detailed description of assumptions.
** Projected cash flow, balance sheet, and income statement for 5 years (examined).
6. Board of Directors Resolution authorizing the loan and any related approvals such as those authorizing collateral.
7. Details of the Shareholding structure.
8. Adequate Collateral – land, building, and equipment.
9. Copy of land certificate(s) and/or other ownership documents.
10. Copy of current loan agreement (if refinancing)
Contact For Investment Services
Investment Services
(501) 822-2163
Ext. 1226/ 1232/ 1301
Email : invest [at]