Organization : Department of Water Affairs
Facility : Borehole Cleaning and Fishing
Country : Botswana
Website :
How To Apply For Borehole Cleaning & Fishing in Botswana?
Initiating Department: Other Ministries / Government Departments /Private Borehole Owners
Service Description: Retrieval of any obstructive/foreign objects from a borehole using mechanical methods and sometimes chemical methods if required.
Audience: Other Ministries (Government Departments) and Private Borehole Owners
Service Outputs: Cleaned Boreholes that can be utilized / Rehabilitated Boreholes
Service Availability: Mon – Fri, 7:30hrs – 16:30hrs
Service Levels: 15 days for Government boreholes and 30 days for private boreholes.
Customer Delivery Channels: Mail
Ministry Delivery Channels or Notification: Mail
Associated Forms: Indemnity Form
Associated Services: Department of geological Surveys, Borehole Cleaning and Fishing, Drilling and Test pumping.
Associated Fees/Charges: P4 362.00 only
Technology: Service is not provided on-line
Service Contact Person(s): Principal Hydrogeologist, Head of Groundwater Division, 3607378, 3607100
Customer Submissions:
** Make a request to the Director of Water Affairs Groundwater Division
** Copy of Borehole completion Certificate (Borehole Registration Form from Dept. Geological Surveys)
** Detailed Description of problem (Scope of Work) that has to be attended to
** Borehole Inspection Report by DWA drilling technicians
** Fill Indemnity Form at Water Affairs
** Upfront Payment for services after inspection of the Borehole, P4 362.00 only
Service Restrictions:
Other Ministries / government Departments Only, Citizens and Non-Citizens resident in Botswana
Process of Borehole Cleaning & Fishing
Borehole inspected to:
i) Ascertain if fishing tools can fit in the borehole (borehole diameter),
ii) Borehole Condition, i.e. if it is safe for fishing to be carried-out (casing condition, age of borehole, collapsing or not)
iii) Determination of appropriate fishing/cleaning method.
** Design and fabricate appropriate fishing tools
** Mobilization of Fishing/Cleaning Rig and Crew to site
** Retrieve the fish and clean the borehole.
About MMEWR:
The Department of Water Affairs is one of three technical Departments within the Ministry of Minerals, Energy and Water Resources (MMEWR). The other two Departments are the Department of Geological Survey (DGS) and the Department of Mines (DOM).
The Ministry also consists of two divisions namely Minerals Affairs and Energy Affairs. Within the water sector, MMEWR has the overall national responsibility for policy, planning, assessment,development, supply and protection of Botswana’s scarce water resources. Planning includes allocation of water to the different sectors of the economy. Responsibility for policy, planning and assessment is discharged mainly through dwa and is thus a core business function of the department.