MTIC Renewal of Driving License Brunei : Ministry of Transport

Organization : Brunei Ministry of Transport and Infocommunications
Facility : Renewal of Driving License
Country : Brunei
Website :

How To Apply For Renewal of Driving License in Brunei?

​This service is provided by Land Transport Department, Ministry of Transport and Info Communications.

Related / Similar Facility : Brunei INRS Portal E-Arrival Card

Step 1: Register with e-Darussalam
** Go to the below link
** Click on ‘e-Darussalam’ and then ‘Register to e-Darussalam’
** Fill in online form

Apply Here :

Step 2: Activate e-Darussalam Account
** After successfully registering your e-Darussalam account, applicants are required to go to the Online Service Counter at your nearest LTD branch to activate your account
** You are required to bring along your Smart Identification Card for verification purposes
** Once the account has been activated, an email containing the password will be sent. It is advisable to change the password that has been provided.

Step 3: Choose the LTD service that is required
** Go to here or by clicking on the “Start” button above
** Log in to your e-Darussalam account
** Click on ‘I am not exempted from fee payment for driving license renewal’
** Choose renewal period
** Choose collection mode
** Once you have completed filling in the required information, click “Submit”
** Please take note of your application reference number

Step 4: Payment
For payments using Credit Card, Debit Card or Cash Card:
After a successful payment is made, an e-mail will be sent with the instruction where the renewed Driving Licence can be collected from. Please see Step 5.

For Cash Payment:
** You are advised to visit the Online Terminal in LTD Headquarters at Jalan Beribi, Gadong or LTD’s branches at other districts to make payment.
** If payment is not made within two (2) weeks from the date of application made, the application will be cancelled.

Step 5: Collection
** Members of the public can choose to collect their renewed Driving Licence at the Online Service Counter through Online Terminal in LTD Headquarters at Jalan Beribi, Gadong or LTD’s branches at Tutong, Belait and Temburong District or have the Driving Licence sent to applicants by post.

General Prerequisite & Criteria

** Holders of Driving Licence Class of one or combination of the following: 1, 1A, 1B and 3.
** Can be renewed one (1) month before expiry.
** Driving Licences that are expired for more than a month are allowed to submit application with late penalty fee included. (Note: not exceeding 3 years from expiry date).

Driving Licence renewal through online are not available for the following applications:
1. Applicants aged 70 years and above.
2. Applicants who are exempted from Driving Licence fee.

If applicants would like to have new photo taken:
Have to visit any branches of LTD for the purpose of taking their photos directly.

Payment and Delivery:
** Payment for Driving Licence renewal through online can only be made via TransportBN or
** Additional $3.00 payment will be charged for Express Post Service.
** The delivery will take three (3) working days.


For inquiries and assistance, please contact Land Transport Department (JPD) at 2451980 / 2451981 / 2451984 (office hours only) or Talian Darussalam 123.

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