Brunei Foreign Workers License :

Organization : Brunei Department of Labour
Facility : ​Foreign Workers License
Country : Brunei
Website :

How To Apply For ​Foreign Workers License in Brunei?

Foreign Worker License involves the combination between Foreign Worker Recruitment License under Section 112 in Employerment Order 2009 and Work Pass Recommendation (BUR 500/555). This Process is one of the initiatives in strategic Plan of Department to improve services provided by Department of Labour to public.

Related / Similar Facility : Brunei Domestic Helpers License

New Application

To apply for:
1) New Foreign Workers not in Brunei Darussalam
2) New Company i.e 0 worker
3) Additional Foreign Workers not in Brunei Darussalam
4) Replacement of Employee

(To apply for New Foreign Workers (who is not in Brunei Darussalam) and to Replace Foreign Workers who has been cancelled). Can only be applied by Licensed Employment Agency

Standard Required Documents:
** Foreign Workers License application form (4 copies for pages 1 and 2 only). FORMS MUST BE TYPEWRITTEN CLEARLY IN CAPITAL LETTERS
** Copy of the owners Identity Card/passport for all the company owners
** A copy of the valid passport for every worker being applied for
** Copy of Company Registration (Form X)/16 & 17
** Copy of supporting/approval letters from relevant government agencies (if applicable). For construction activities, copy of Builder’s License/Sijil Pendaftaran Kontraktor issued by ABCi must be attached
** Copy of Clearance Letter from JobCentre Brunei
** A copy of certificates equivalent to the occupation should the occupation require qualifications

Other Required Documents:
** A copy Foreign Worker Recruitment License (Quota) (where relevant)
** Copy of valid and latest BUR 500/BUR 555 for all foreign workers (where relevant)
** For Construction and Maintenance/Cleaning activities: Copies of ongoing or upcoming projects must be attached
** Copy of latest Employer and Employee Census Receipt (not applicable for replacement of Employee)
** Address Declaration Form (to be filled in and endorsed once only and in the event of additional branches/amendments)
** Cancellation Form (Borang Pembatalan) (For Replacement of Employee)

Renewal Application

​To apply for Renewal of existing Foreign Workers who is currently working in Brunei Darussalam. Can be applied by Licensed Employment Agency or the Employer

Related Post

Standard Required Documents:
** Foreign Workers License application form (4 copies for pages 1 and 2 only). FORMS MUST BE TYPEWRITTEN CLEARLY IN CAPITAL LETTERS
** Copy of the owners Identity Card/passport for all the company owners
** A copy of the valid passport for every worker being applied for
** Copy of Company Registration (Form X)/16 & 17
** Copy of supporting/approval letters from relevant government agencies (if applicable). For construction activities, copy of Builder’s License/Sijil Pendaftaran Kontraktor issued by ABCi must be attached
** Copy of Clearance Letter from JobCentre Brunei
** A copy of certificates equivalent to the occupation should the occupation require qualifications

Other Required Documents:
** A copy Foreign Worker Recruitment License (Quota) (where relevant)
** Copy of valid and latest BUR 500/BUR 555 for all foreign workers (where relevant)
** For Construction and Maintenance/Cleaning activities: Copies of ongoing or upcoming projects must be attached
** Copy of latest Employer and Employee Census Receipt
** Address Declaration Form (to be filled in and endorsed once only and in the event of additional branches/amendments)

Transfer of Contract

To apply transfer for Foreign Workers (who is currently working in Brunei Darussalam) from one company to another company through contract of employment. Can be applied by Licensed Employment Agency or the Employer

Standard Required Documents:
** Foreign Workers License application form (4 copies for pages 1 and 2 only). FORMS MUST BE TYPEWRITTEN CLEARLY IN CAPITAL LETTERS
** Copy of the owners Identity Card/passport for all the company owners
** A copy of the valid passport for every worker being applied for
** Copy of Company Registration (Form X)/16 & 17
** Copy of supporting/approval letters from relevant government agencies (if applicable). For construction activities, copy of Builder’s License/Sijil Pendaftaran Kontraktor issued by ABCi must be attached
** A copy of certificates equivalent to the occupation should the occupation require qualifications

Other Required Documents:
** A copy Foreign Worker Recruitment License (Quota) (where relevant)
** Copy of valid and latest BUR 500/BUR 555 for all foreign workers (where relevant)
** For Construction and Maintenance/Cleaning activities: Copies of ongoing or upcoming projects must be attached
** Copy of latest Employer and Employee Census Receipt
** Letter from company/employer
** Address Declaration Form (to be filled in and endorsed once only and in the event of additional branches/amendments)
** Transfer of Contract Form (4 copies) and 3 pieces of stamps

Change of Salary (or) Job Title

To apply for Amendment of salary and title of positions in formerly approved Foreign Worker License. Can be applied by Licensed Employment Agency or the Employer

Standard Required Documents:
Foreign Workers License application form (4 copies for pages 1 and 2 only). FORMS MUST BE TYPEWRITTEN CLEARLY IN CAPITAL LETTERS

Other Required Documents:
Letter from company/employer

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