evetas.customs.gov.bb Taxpayer Registration Barbados : VETAS System

Organization : VETAS System
Type of Facility : Taxpayer Registration
Country: Barbados
Website : https://bra.gov.bb/

VETAS Taxpayer Registration

VETAS enables the CED to move forward toward its future business model of a single window into the department integrating business functions and electronic interfaces to provide services to the taxpayers

Related : Inland Revenue Department Tax Refund Certificate : www.statusin.org/7264.html

Step 1 : Visit the official website of VETAS System through the URL evetas.customs.gov.bb

Step 2 : Click Taxpayer Registration link in the home page.

Step 3 : Then fill the General information, Company Identification , Additional information and Click Save & Continue with Request button

Registration Steps

1. General Information : Basic information of taxpayer
2. Localization : Full address of principal place of business or domicile for tax purposes

3. Economic Activities : List of taxpayer economic activities
4. Obligations : List of taxpayer obligations
5. Branches : List of taxpayer branches

6. VAT Locations : List of taxpayer VAT locations
7. Tributary relationships : List of taxpayer tributary relationships
8. Excise operations : List of excise operations

9. Excise locations : List of excise locations
10. Excise equipments : List of excise equipments

11. Public entertainers : List of public entertainers
12. Attachments : Scanning of documents to be presented
13. Review and Commit : Review and commit information

FAQ On VETAS Barbados

Who is “A Person”?:
For Value Added Tax purposes, “a person” is defined as: An Individual A Company A Partnership A Joint Venture A Trustee in a trust or estate Other unincorporated body, e.g. club, society or co-operative A Statutory Body

What Constitutes a “Taxable Activity”?
A taxable activity is: An activity carried on in the form of a business An activity that is carried on continuously or regularly by a person, whether or not for a pecuniary profit, and involves or is intended to involve in whole or in part, the supply of goods or services in Barbados for consideration An activity engaged in an association, club, society, commission, union, other organisation in providing, for a subscription or other consideration, facilities or advantages to its members. An activity that involves the admission, for consideration, of persons to any place or premises. Value Added Tax Act Section 2(1)(a)

What Constitutes a “Non Taxable Activity”?
A Non Taxable Activity is: An activity carried on essentially as a private recreational pursuit or hobby An engagement, occupation or employment as an officer or employee. Value Added Tax Act, Section 2(1)(b).

What is a “Taxable Supply”?
Taxable Supply means a supply of goods and services made in the course or furtherance of a taxable activity and includes a zero-rated supply but does not include an exempt supply. Value Added Tax Act, Section 2(1).

What Are “Exempt Supplies”?
Exempt supplies are supplies that are not subject to Value Added Tax and are listed in the Second Schedule of the Value Added Tax Act, section 10.

It should be noted that where a Value Added Tax Registrant makes exempt supplies, he is not entitled to recover allowable input tax in respect of goods and services he has acquired or imported for the purposes of making such exempt supplies.

Categories: Barbados
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