whois.telecoms.gov.bb : Domains Registration Barbados

Organization : Telecoms Unit
Type of Facility : WHOIS & Domains Registration
Country: Barbados

Website : http://www.whois.telecoms.gov.bb/index.php

WHOIS & Domains Registration :

Find out who registered a domain name and view additional registration and Web site data from our online WHOIS database.

Related : Barbados Accreditation Council Registration Procedure : www.statusin.org/7276.html

WHOIS allows you to search the databases to give you registration information on a domain name.

Our comprehensive WHOIS Search Results report gives you registration and expiration dates, contact information for the registrant and more.

You can also use the site to obtain an application form to register a domain

Register your Domain:
Domain Registrations are available for the following domain extensions:
.bb , .com.bb , .net.bb , .org.bb , .gov.bb , .info.bb , .co.bb , .store.bb , .tv.bb , .biz.bb

Please use the application forms to apply for a domain. Application forms should be submitted at the following location, along with a fee of Barbados $120.00.

Cheques should be made payable to the Chief Telecommunications Officer.
The Chief Telecommunications Officer
Telecommunications Unit
Trinity Business Centre
Country Road
St. Michael
Barbados. BB11081

Download application form here : http://www.whois.telecoms.gov.bb/request/reservation.php

Legal Notice :
The Applicant declares that all the information in this application form is true and correct. The Applicant understands that approval from the Ministry responsible for Telecommunications in Barbados for this application is based on information as declared in this application.

The Applicant further acknowledges that, should any of the information declared herein be found to be untrue, inaccurate or incorrect, any registration granted by the Ministry will be rendered null and void.

The Ministry reserves its right to impose penal sanctions against the Applicant under any applicable laws and regulations in force and this is without prejudice to any civil remedies that the Ministry has against the Applicant if any of the information declared in the application be found to be untrue.

For further queries, please contact us at :
The Chief Telecommunications Officer
Telecommunications Unit
Trinity Business Centre
Country Road
St. Michael
Barbados. BB11081
Telephone:(246) 434-2502
Email Address : info AT telecoms.gov.bb

Categories: Barbados
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