barbados-regional-police-training-center.gov.bb : RPTC OLE Online Learning Registration

Organization : Regional Police Training Centre RPTC
Type of Facility : OLE Online Learning Registration
Country: Barbados

Website : http://www.barbados-regional-police-training-center.gov.bb/default.aspx

How To Do OLE Online Learning Registration?

The Regional Police Training Centre has designed an Open Learning Environment, which provides Online Training Courses for Barbados Police Recruits and Officers free of charge. Courses are also made available to Regional Police and other Law Enforcement Officers on a Fee Basis.

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You can register for courses, which are being offered On-Site at the Regional Police Training Centre in Barbados or for some courses which are available online through our Open Learning Environment (OLE). Make your selection by clicking on one of the links below:

To register for an Online E-learning Course, please review the RPTC “Standing Orders” and then complete the Registration Form shown below and press the submit button “Online Learning Registration”. Also complete the attached document (Personal Information), which must be returned by e-mail. We will review your application and respond within five business days.

What is Open Learning Environment ?

The Open Learning Environment (OLE) is a learning management system designed with adaptability and accessibility in mind. It has been developed with the following objectives:

** To facilitate online learning for police officers and security personnel.
** To accelerate the productivity of the Barbados Regional Police Training Centre in the delivery of it’s training.
** To enhance the learning experience of students who use the Online Learning Environment

** The Regional Police Training Centre is proud to present a secure online system that provides training not only in Law Enforcement, but we also offer packages tailored to the hospitality services and the corporate arena.

** To begin taking one of the sample courses, please click the “Login” button and then register for a new account.

** The Login screen also provides existing users with an interface to login and begin their courses.

Once you have logged into the system, you can:
** View Your Account;
** View your current Registered Courses, or;
** Register for additional courses

To view the admin panels available, please use the admin URL and login information that were provided to you via email.

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