bac.gov.bb Registration Procedure : Barbados Accreditation Council

Organization : Barbados Accreditation Council
Type of Facility : Registration Procedure
Country: Barbados

Website : https://bac.gov.bb/Services/Registration/
Download Forms: https://bac.gov.bb/

Registration Procedure :

Registration signals that a provider is able to operate legally within Barbados. To become registered, the provider must meet the requirements established by the Council and pay the requisite fees.

Related : Barbados Accreditation Council Apply For Accreditation : www.statusin.org/7277.html

Once a provider is registered, it may then apply for accreditation of the institution and/or programme(s) of study or courses. Registration shall be for a period of one (1) calendar year (January to December) after which the provider must re-apply to maintain its status. Registered providers are required to apply for re-registration at least two (2) months before the registration period expires and pay the requisite registration fee.

General Registration Criteria:
Any provider seeking registration by the Barbados Accreditation Council (Council) must comply with the Council’s registration requirements. The provider must demonstrate its ability to provide students with proper academic supervision, adequate physical and learning resources, appropriate support services and should therefore have the following in place:

Governance and Mission:
** There should be a structure of governance which formulates general policies and exercises authority over the implementation of programmes of study.
** The composition of the governing body should be broad-based and should allow for objective input into the management of the institution.
** There should be a Mission Statement or Statement of Purpose which should be clearly defined and** published.
** Goals, aims and objectives of the provider should relate to the target population and should be relevant to the needs of the society.
** There should be a plan, as well as a planning and evaluation process, which addresses the institution’s human, educational, physical and financial development.

Administration and Admission Policies:
** The provider should have clearly defined administration systems in place that are compatible with its stated mission.
** The provider should have a written plan for various stages of its development.
** The provider should have clearly defined admission policies compatible with its stated purpose. These should be published and should be strictly adhered to.
** The provider should have clearly defined procedures and policies for the selection of students with alternative qualifications.
** The provider should have clearly defined procedures and policies for courses.

Related Post

Guidelines for Registration:

Any provider seeking registration by the Barbados Accreditation Council must document its compliance with each of the following conditions:
** There is an appropriate structure of governance which formulates general policies and exercises authority over the implementation of education and training programmes;
** There is a clearly defined and published statement of purpose (Mission Statement);
** There are published admission policies compatible with its stated purpose;
** The provider offers one or more educational programme(s) (or curricula) consistent with its mission;
** There is a plan, as well as a planning and evaluation process, which addresses its educational, physical and financial growth;
** There is appropriately qualified staff to deliver programme(s)/course(s), as well as administrative and technical support in terms of quality and quantity;
** There is sufficient learning resources or, the provision of access to adequate learning resources and services required to support the courses and programmes offered;
** The provider has safe and adequate accommodation; and
** The provider has available audited statements made within the last three (3) years prior to the Council’s visit, where applicable.

Methods of Payment:
Payment of the requisite registration fee is due upon notification of registration approval.

The following payment methods apply:
** Cash;
** company cheque;
** bank draft; or
** certified cheque.

Procedures for Registration
A provider seeking to register with the Council must complete and submit the registration form to:
The Executive Director
Barbados Accreditation Council
123 A&B, “Plaza Centrale”
Roebuck Street
St. Michael, BB11080
Barbados, W.I.

All supporting documentation must be included with the registration form. Any unclear or incomplete response will delay the registration process.

Additional material should be included if it will assist the Council in processing the registration form. Supplemental materials should be attached to the end of the registration form as appendices. Appendices should be properly labeled.

Generally, supporting materials are required for each programme of study or course. The same procedures should be followed for re-registration. Additional reports or documentation may be required with the renewal registration, at the Council’s discretion.

Categories: Barbados
Tags: bac.gov.bb
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