bac.gov.bb Apply For Accreditation : Barbados Accreditation Council

Organization : Barbados Accreditation Council
Type of Facility : Apply For Accreditation
Country: Barbados

Website : https://bac.gov.bb/Services/Accreditation/
Apply Here : https://bac.gov.bb/

Apply For Accreditation :

As the quality assurance body for tertiary education and training in Barbados, the council establishes guidelines ,procedures and standards for institutions seeking accredited status for particular programmes.

Related : Barbados Accreditation Council Registration Procedure : www.statusin.org/7276.html

council’s granting of accreditation status to an institution is an expression of confidence in the institution’s mission and goals; the quality of faculty and students; the quality of academic programmes and the level and appropriateness of resources. The primary consideration of council, in the decision to confirm or reaffirm accreditation, is the assurance of quality education by member institutions.

What is Accreditation?:
Accreditation is a process in which a programme of study or institution is assessed for its standard and given official recognition. At the programme level, accreditation is concerned with the quality of a specific course or programme of study, while institutional accreditation is concerned with the evaluation of an entire institution.

The accreditation process is intended to strengthen and sustain the quality and integrity of educational provisions, making it worthy of public confidence.

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Benefits of Accreditation:
** Highlights the capabilities/competencies of the institutions;
** Assures recognition of qualifications and transferability locally, regionally and internationally;
** Improves education/training and learning achievement as the quality of the institution’s provision is assured;
** Provides assurance that an individual is getting value for money for time spent on a programme of study;
** Facilitates the transfer of learner credits from one institution to another;
** Provides recognition for entry into higher education, profession and business.

** Provides national, regional and international recognition of quality, accountability, and public trust;
** Verifies the quality of the educational provision to potential students, businesses and governments;
** Facilitates access to support and services designed to continually improve the quality of education and training;
** Lends prestige to the institution;
** Highlights strengths and capabilities of the institution;
** Aids with student recruitment efforts; and
** Provides credibility by enhancing the image of the institution.

** Assures the quality of human capital;
** Assures the quality of qualifications and credentials presented;
** Increases productivity and performance which may lead to increased profitability; and
** Provides benchmarks against which educational provision can be measured against employment requirements.

** Assures a highly skilled workforce, which should enhance international competitiveness;
** Increases the global competitiveness of local institutions;
** Provides assurance to taxpayers of the quality of educational provision; and
** Assures government of positive returns on investment in the educational sector.

Accreditation Mill:
This is accreditation with low educational standards and without recognition from government and other competent authorities. Accreditation mills give the public the impression that the institution has met the required standards.

For more information on fraudulent accrediting agencies, institutions and diploma mills. For further information see www.osac.state. or.usloda/unaccredited.html (Also see the Barbados Accreditation Council pamphlet on Websites that provide Information on Accredited and Non-accredited Institutions)

Categories: Barbados
Tags: bac.gov.bb
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