Fort Regent Concert Booking : Jersey

Organization : States of Jersey
Type of Facility : Fort Regent Concert Booking
Country: Jersey

Website : https://www.gov.ie/en/

Fort Regent Concert Booking:

You can book tickets:
** online (closes 24 hours before the show)

Related : Jersey Pet Travel Scheme PETS Department of Environment : www.statusin.org/7292.html

** by phone on +44 (0) 1534 449827
** in person at the Fort Regent concert desk

Tickets must be paid for at the time of booking, they are non-refundable and cannot be exchanged unless the event is cancelled.

Artist Ticket price Time Buy tickets online
Friday 29 May Dara O Briain: Crowd Tickler (16+) ?£23 ?8pm Buy tickets online
Thursday 16 July Alan Carr: Yap, Yap, Yap! (15+) ?£30 8pm Buy tickets online
Tuesday 4 August Jimmy Carr: Funny Business (16+) ?£25 8pm Buy tickets online

Venue information:
Parking is available in Pier Road car park. There is disabled parking close to Fort Regent reception.

Start / finish times:
Most events start at 8pm (doors open 45 minutes earlier), and usually finish between 10.15pm and 10.30pm.

Late arrivals:
The management reserves the right to refuse admission and latecomers may not be admitted until a suitable break in the performance.

There are two licensed bars.

Related Post

Insight days :
** Information days are free to attend and aimed at students in year 12 to 13 with any additional spaces allocated to adults not in education.
** Contact your school careers teacher or Careers Jersey if you would like to register.

Entrepreneurial skill development :

Programme Dates Details
​Young Enterprise Company Programme ​September to May ​Opportunity for year 12 students from all secondary schools and Highlands College to experience the reality of starting a business, under the guidance of mentors from local organisations.

For more information see: Young Enterprise

Young Enterprise Learn to Earn Programme Differs between schools Learn to Earn is a programme designed to help year 10 students understand the relationship between learning and the achievement of personal lifestyle goals.

For more information see: Young Enterprise

Entrepreneurship week November Series of workshops and events in secondary schools across the Island to encourage entrepreneurial skills.

Work shadowing :
** The following schemes provide students with the opportunity to observe industry-specific and director level skills and qualities. For more information visit the work shadowing section of the website.

Trident work experience :
** All Jersey secondary school students participate in the Trident work experience scheme during Year 10 or 11. It provides a unique opportunity to experience working life while still at school.
** For more information see your school careers teacher or visit the Trident section of the website.

Trident (work experience) :
Advance Plus schemes :
** Advance Plus is a range of industry specific schemes to help unemployed adults (aged 20+) back into work. The 10-week schemes combine training and a work placement.
** For more information and application details see the Advance Plus section of the website.

Concert booking desk:
T : 01534 449827
E : active AT gov.je

Monday to Friday, 10am-6pm. Saturday and Sunday 9.30am-3.30pm

Fort Regent:
St Helier

Tags: gov.je
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