Paying ITIS For Employer Returns : Jersey

Organization : States of Jersey
Type of Facility : Paying ITIS For Employer Returns
Country: Jersey

Website : http://www.gov.je/TaxesMoney/IncomeTax/Employers/Returns/Pages/MethodsPayingITIS.aspx
Pay online: https://www.gov.je/Pages/default.aspx

Paying ITIS For Employer Returns:

You can now pay employer ITIS amounts online using a debit card

Related : Jersey Planning Register & Application Search : www.statusin.org/7296.html

Debit cards:
You may pay an amount (subject to the card issuer) by debit card on-line, in person or by telephone. We do not accept cash or debit card details via the postal system.

Note: Credit card payments are not accepted.

Cheques and postal orders:
Cheques and postal orders should be made payable to ‘The Treasurer of The States’ and posted together with the remittance advice.

Write the relevant tax reference on the back of the cheque.

Direct debits:
Payments can be made by direct debit. Contact the helpdesk for a direct debit form.

Cash payments should be made in person only to the taxes office helpdesk, not treasury cashiers who can not accept ITIS payments.

Telephone and internet banking:
To make a payment using a telephone or internet banking service, just contact your bank or building society and give them the taxes office bank details as follows:
Bank: HSBC
Branch: St. Helier, Jersey Sort code: 40-25-34
Account name and number: Treasurer of the States, 92144743

Ask them to quote your tax reference and your name / company name when they make your payment.

Related Post

Note: These bank details are for employers to submit their ITIS payments only.

Submitting your return online :
** You can complete and submit your ITIS returns, along with Social Security schedules and manpower returns, using the employer returns website.
** Any information you enter is stored, available for reference and will pre-populate your next return.

Software developers’ information :
** If you’re a software developer, you can download developers’ files from the business-to-business website using the link below.

You’ll need to :
** select ‘Employer’s tax returns’
** select ‘IT & Software Professionals’ from the drop-down box
** Jersey tax business-to-business website

Sending files securely to us :
** Our dynamic link library (DLL) enables encryption and zipping so that files can be securely emailed to us.
** Extensible mark up language (XML) schema and benefit in kind formulae are also included.

You can also upload files for :
** ITIS returns
** contributions schedules
** manpower returns
** benefit in kind (BIK) returns
** You can register and use the employer returns website below. Find out how to register by watching the short video.

Default ITIS rate :
** The default ITIS rate is 21%. All employers must apply this rate to any employees, directors and labour only sub-contractors who have not provided a valid effective rate notice or exemption card. The only exception to this is for under 17’s, see ‘deducting tax’ below.

Who you must deduct ITIS from :
The Income Tax Instalment System (ITIS) applies to :
** full time employees
** part time employees
** contract employees
** Jersey resident directors who get paid a salary or fees
** labour-only subcontractors in the building and construction industry (unless exempt)

** ITIS deductions do not apply to labour-only subcontractors in the building and construction industry who have an exemption certificate from the Taxes Office. You must still include payments made to exempt labour only sub-contractors on your ITIS return (There is a section to record exempt sub-contractors on the return).

Tax card payments:
T: 01534 440300

Monday to Friday 9am – 5pm

Income Tax card payments:
PO Box 56
Cyril Le Marquand House
St Helier

Categories: Jersey
Tags: gov.je
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