Registering & Applying For Reception Place Jersey : Education, Sport & Culture

Organization : Education, Sport and Culture
Type of Facility : Registering & Applying For Reception Place
Country: Jersey

Website : http://www.gov.je/Education/Schools/FindingSchool/Pages/Admissions.aspx

Registering & Applying For Reception Place:

Children start school in the September of the school year in which they have their 5th birthday (so they can experience three terms in reception).

Related : Jersey Getting A Marriage Licence : www.statusin.org/7298.html

How to register:
You must register for a reception place at your catchment school by 1 November of the year before your child is due to start school.

How to apply:
If you have registered for a place, we will send you an application form in November of the year before your child is due to start school.

You should complete and return the application form to your catchment school.

When you’ll find out if you have been offered a school place:
You will be offered a school place for your child in February or March.

If you’ve registered for a place at a fee-paying school, you won’t be considered for a place at a non-fee paying school.

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How reception places are allocated:
If schools receive more applications than they have places, priority is given in the following order to pupils who:
** have a special educational need and must attend a specific school
** have a brother or sister in reception class (year 5)
** live in the primary school catchment area
** live in the secondary school catchment area
** have a brother or sister in year 6
** have a good educational reason for attending a non-catchment school

Fee-paying and private primary schools:
Fee-paying and private schools manage their own admissions. You must apply directly to the school.

Non-fee paying secondary school places:
You will automatically be offered a place at your catchment secondary school if your child is at a States’ primary school (unless they are going to a fee-paying secondary school).

When you’ll find out if you have a place:
The offer form will be sent to you in January when your child is in year 6.

You must return this form to the school that sent it to you to accept the place or ask for an out of catchment placement.

How secondary school places are allocated:
Secondary school places at non-fee paying schools are allocated by Education Sport and Culture (ESC). Priority is given in the following order to students who:
** have a special educational need and must attend a specific school
** live in the school catchment area
** have a brother or sister in years 7 to 10
** attend a primary school in the secondary school catchment area
** have parents who live or work in the school catchment area
** have a brother or sister in year 11
** have a good educational reason for attending a non-catchment school

Education, Sport and Culture
T : 01534 445504
F : 01534 445524
E : esc@gov.je

Monday to Friday 8.45am – 4.30pm

Education, Sport and Culture:
PO Box 142
Highlands Campus

Categories: Jersey
Tags: gov.je
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