Jersey Employers Applying For Work Permits : Immigration Office

Organization : Immigration Office
Type of Facility : Employers Applying For Work Permits
Country: Jersey

Website : https://www.gov.je/Pages/default.aspx

Employers Applying For Work Permits

If you want to employ someone who needs a work permit to come here, you must show why you can’t fill the role with someone who is free of permit restrictions.

Related : Immigration Service Pay Customs GST Online Jersey : www.statusin.org/7309.html

You must provide proof of your advertising and recruitment methods, and satisfy other requirements. The employee must also be able to show they can speak and understand English.

When to apply for a work permit for a prospective employee:
You should apply for your work permit before your prospective employee comes to Jersey.

We may consider work permit applications for employees who are in authorised employment in the United Kingdom, Channel Islands, or Isle of Man. The same criteria for work permit applications apply.

Processing time:
The processing time is three weeks. You must allow enough time for the work permit to be issued before your employee travels to Jersey.

You must submit the fee with your work permit application. The fee will not be refunded if your application is refused.
Duration of employee’s stay in Jersey – Fee
Less than 1 month -£53
1 month and up to 6 months – £80
More than 6 months and up to 9 months -£105
More than 9 months and up to 12 months – £160
More than 1 year and up to 2 years – £265
More than 2 years and up to 3 years – ?£320
?More than 3 years and up to 5 years (applies to medical doctors only) -£530

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How to apply:
You should download and fill in the work permit application form . Return it to the address on the form.

Application Requirements :
** Before you apply for a work permit for an employee, you must try to find an employee who doesn’t need a permit in order to work.
** You must be able to prove to us that you advertised for a suitable permit-free candidate.

Work permit application requirements :
To apply for a work permit for an employee, you must submit :
** work permit application form
** fee
** full job description
** proof of advertising

You may also need to submit :
** details of current employees and their jobs and responsibilities
** evidence of appropriate accommodation
** draft contract of employment
** curriculum vitae and any relevant qualifications

** if you used a recruitment agency: why, and how they advertised for you
** a copy of the prospective employee’s personal details page of their passport and any relevant UK immigration endorsement
** copies of passports of any dependants
** proof of English language competency

How the work permit post became available
You must show us how the post became available, eg :
** previous holder no longer employed
** new post has been created

Immigration Office:
T : 01534 447979
F : 01534 448027
E : immigration AT gov.je

Monday to Friday 9am – 4pm

Immigration Office:
Maritime House
La Route du Port Elizabeth
St Helier

Categories: Jersey
Tags: gov.je
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