: Search Building Application Online Bermuda

Organization : Department of Planning
Type of Facility : Search Planning & Building Applications
Country: Bermuda

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Search Planning & Building Applications:

For best results, please enter the Application # in full (e.g. P0034/07, S0014/06 or B1203/05) and the Application Type.

Related : Valuation Department Land/ Property Tax Bermuda :

If you do not know the Application #, please select the Application Type and Parish at a minimum. If known, enter the Road or Building # to refine your search.

If searching by Applicant does not return any records try entering parts of the name, e.g. for the “Bermuda Trust Ltd” you can search for “Trust” or even “Ber”.

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New Building Permit Application Process:
Where Planning approval is required for any proposed development, that approval must be granted prior to the Department of Planning accepting a building permit application.

In cases where planning approval was required all building permit applications must be accompanied by the following stamped approved planning drawings (as part of each drawing set):
** site plan
** site sections
** elevations
** floor plans
** as well as a copy of the Development Applications Board approval letter

If any new minor modifications are required to any of the above plans, you can note on the plan “for information only” and provide an updated plan, with the modifications highlighted thereon. If the proposed changes are not minor, you will be notified and advised whether you need to file an Application for Revision or a DAP 1 application.

New Building Permit Screening Process:
All permit applications filed will be screened upon submission to ensure that:
** all required permit information has been supplied (on plans and forms)
** planning permission has been granted
** all required fees have been paid in full
If the screening determines that the application is complete, it will be given an application number /”B** number” and processed.

If the screening process determines that the application is incomplete, you will be notified within 7 business days and you can then collect your submission package and fees slip

In cases of incomplete applications, the items missing will be identified with a screening checklist which will be attached to the package.

Revision/Additional Information to Planning Applications Under Review:
** In the cases where additional, new or revised information (plans or any type of supporting documentation) on planning applications under review must be filed, the appropriate new form must accompany the package.
** As usual, no fees are required in these cases.
** New forms are now available for these types of submissions and are available on the Department of Planning’s website here. If you are unable to download forms and print in colour, please collect originals from Department of Planning Reception. The old forms will no longer be accepted as of 1 February 2008.

Applications for Revisions:

New Forms and Vetting/Screening Process:
** As usual, any approved application (planning alone or both planning and building approval granted) can be modified via the Application for Revisions process. However new forms are now available for these types of submissions on the Department of Planning’s website here. If you are unable to download forms and print in colour, please collect originals from Department of Planning Reception. The old forms will no longer be accepted as of 1 February 2008.
** An easy test to determine whether a matter can be handled as a revision is if it could have been handled as a Permitted Development (see PDP Guidance note).
** The broader test for revisions is whether it meets the scope and intent of the original approval granted. In these cases, you may wish to submit relevant details/supporting information.

All Applications for Revision will now be screened to ensure that:
** it can be considered under the Application for Revisions process;
** it contains all required plan details and application form information;
** all required fees have been paid in full. © 2022 Contact Us   Privacy Policy   Site Map