Apply For Birth Certificate Bermuda : Registry General

Organization : Registry General
Type of Facility : Apply For Birth Certificate
Country: Bermuda

Website :

Apply For Birth Certificate :

The Registry General is notified of the birth of a child when it receives a “Form A- Notification of Birth” from the King Edward VII Memorial Hospital.

Related : Registry General Apply For Marriage Certificate Bermuda :

Once the “Form A- Notification of Birth” has been received the Registry General will mail out a “Form B- Particulars of Birth” to the parent(s) of the child. This form must be completed and returned within 60 days of the date of receipt. The birth of the child is then registered using the particulars included in the “Form B – Particulars of Birth”, and a certificate of birth (free of charge) is mailed to the parent(s).

Birth certificates for newborn children are processed within 10 working days of the receipt of the completed “Form B- Particulars of Birth”. For previously registered births, a birth certificate is processed within 2 working days of an application. Urgent requests for birth certificates are processed in less than 2 working days at an additional fee.

Members of the public may search the Birth records at our Public Search Facility, which is located on the 1st floor of the Government Administration Building, Hamilton, on payment of an hourly fee.

Fee Schedule:

Birth registrations and ancillary procedures are governed by the Registration (Births and Deaths) Act 1949. Copies of the legislation are available at the Department of Communications and Information, Global House, Church Street, Hamilton for a nominal fee OR from Bermuda Laws Online.

Notice of Birth:
Adding a Father’s Name to a Birth Entry

Where a father’s name is absent from a birth entry and the father wishes to have his name added to that child’s birth entry, he and the child’s mother must make a joint request to the Registrar General to have the father’s name added. Proof of paternity may be required.

Related Post

A putative father in a paternity suit is the person alleged to have fathered the child whose parentage is at issue in the suit. A putative father’s name may be added by order of Court.

An Adoption Order is made in the Magistrates’ Court, in respect of each child who is adopted in Bermuda. The adoption order is sent to the Registry General for the purpose of recording the adoption in the Adoption Register. Thereafter a certificate of adoption may be obtained on application and payment of the required fee.

The Adoption of Children Act 1963 sets out the process for adoptions. Copies of this legislation are available at the Department of Communications and Information, Global House, Church Street, Hamilton for a nominal fee OR from Bermuda Laws Online.

Change of Name :

Changes of name may occur through one of two processes. The first process involves the change of name by deed poll, and the second through baptism.

Please note that the deed poll process involves having the change of name published in a local newspaper.

If you wish to process a change of name by baptism, a baptism certificate must be provided bearing the name to which the birth record should be changed to. A “Form C – Certificate of Name Given In Baptism” which is available at the Registry General, must be completed by the Minister of the Church, in respect of the person whose name should be changed, and returned with the baptismal certificate to the Registry General. Please note that adults may not change their names by baptism.

Forms and further information in respect to change of name can be obtained from the Registry General.

The Act governing a change of name by baptism is the Registration (Births and Deaths) Act 1949. In addition, the Registrar-General (Recording of Documents) Act 1955 provides for a change of name by deed poll. Copies of the legislation are available at the Department of Communications and Information, Global House, Church Street, Hamilton for a nominal fee or from Bermuda Laws Online.

Marine Births:
Details of births occurring onboard Bermuda registered ships are forwarded to the Registrar General by the Registrar of Shipping. These details are recorded in the Register of Marine Births. Certificates of Marine Births may be obtained on payment of the prescribed fee.

Marine Birth registrations are governed by the Merchant Shipping Act 1979. Copies of this legislation are available at the Department of Communications and Information, Global House, Church Street, Hamilton for a nominal fee OR from Bermuda Laws Online.

Contact the Registry General:
In person or by mail:
The Registry General
1st floor
Government Administration Building
30 Parliament Street,
Hamilton HM 12
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