hip.gov.bm FutureCare Medical Benefits Bermuda : Health Insurance Department

Organization : Health Insurance Department
Type of Facility : FutureCare Medical Benefits
Country: Bermuda
Website : https://www.gov.bm/hip-and-futurecare-benefits

HIP FutureCare Medical Benefits

FutureCare is an affordable health insurance plan with comprehensive benefits, designed specifically for Bermuda’s Seniors.

Related : Old Age Pension Bermuda Social Insurance :

FutureCare does not provide ‘Major Medical’ benefits like private insurance plans. FutureCare utilizes co-payments and limitations on coverage. Please read this brochure carefully.

** All persons over the age of 65 are eligible to enroll in FutureCare.


** The FutureCare premium is $450 per person, per month.
** If you cannot afford the premium, we encourage you to enquire with the
Department of Financial Assistance at 297-7600 for more information.

Medical Benefits

** Inpatient (public ward) & Outpatient

Psychiatric Hospital:
** Inpatient – 40 days per year
** Outpatient

Home Health Care:
** Ulcer/Wound Care, Dressing Change, Stump Care, Ostomy Care, Stroke Rehabilitation

Professional Services

** Office visits to a general practitioner at $46 per visit;
** Office visits to a specialist physician when referred by a general practitioner at $131 for initial and $55 for follow-up;

** Group psychotherapy sessions, to a maximum of 24 visits per policy year at $46 per visit;
** Visits to a clinical psychologist, to a maximum of 12 visits per policy year at $78 per visit;
** Visits to a psychiatrist at $131 for initial and $81 for follow-up;

** Physiotherapy or occupational therapy, to a maximum of 12 visits per policy year at $35 per visit;
** Speech therapy sessions, with referral required from a general practitioner, to a maximum of 12 one-hour sessions per policy year at $42 per visit;

** Visits to a chiropodist, to a maximum of 6 visits per policy year at $41 per visit; and
** Physician-ordered home visits by a nurse, to a maximum of 12 visits per policy year.

Specialists & Physicians (In-hospital)

** Surgery – 75% reimbursement per admission
** Anesthetist – 75% reimbursement per admission
** Internal Medicine – 75% reimbursement per admission
** Specialist Visits – 75% reimbursement per admission
** General Practitioners – 75% reimbursement per admission

Health Insurance

The Health Insurance Department (HID) provides affordable health insurance coverage for residents of Bermuda to assist with access to healthcare.

HID offers two health insurance plans, FutureCare and the Health Insurance Plan (HIP). Both are open to individuals and groups.

Group plans are available for employers. All employers are required to provide health insurance coverage for their employees and their employees’ non-employed spouses under the Health Insurance Act 1970.

HID also enrolls persons 65 and older who are eligible for a Government subsidy to assist in paying for the cost of health services primarily provided in the hospital. Those who are eligible will receive a Certificate of Entitlement (COE), which is granted based on status and how long you have been living in Bermuda before the date of application. Visit the Certificate of Entitlement* page for more information.

Categories: Bermuda
Tags: hip.gov.bm

View Comments (6)

  • My sister was admitted to the hospital last week. She has no insurance. Can she apply for HIP now and back date the effective date to prior to her admission?

  • What amount does Future Care cover for a non-invasive procedure for disc degeneration at Laser Spine Institute in USA?

  • Is there any insurance provided for widow (war veteren) if not is there any time or wait period to join future care?
    I have tried to keep private insurance but I am having financial constraints like many others.

  • In regards to the above question, my mother is also a Future Care policy holder with acute dementia, how does one go about getting professional home care for her?

  • Why is this web site not updated to include the four new benefits and up-to-date premiums. Inefficiency or incompetence?

  • My mother, Marion E. Dismont, is a Future Care policy holder and has been diagnosed with acute dementia by Dr. Harris at KEMH. I am currently the primary care-giver for her along with professional home care-giver, Ms. Lisa Raynor from the Aerie Foundation. My mother's sister brought to my attention the fact that Future Care may assist with the cost to have professional home care. Can you provide me with additional information on this matter?

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