Apply For Birth Certificate Liberia : Ministry of Health & Social Welfare

Organization : Ministry of Health & Social Welfare (MOH)
Type of Facility : Apply For Birth Certificate
Country: Liberia
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How To Apply For MOH Birth Certificate?

Follow the below procedures to Apply for MOH Birth Certificate. Download the form and fill up the form with following details.

Related : Ministry of Foreign Affairs ECOWAS Biometric Passport Online Application Liberia :


1. Road to Health Card;
2. Copy of the first three pages of passport;
3. Driver’s License;
4. Valid Identification Card (ID);
5. Original copy of parents naturalization document;
6. Copy of school application form approved by the principal/registrar’s office;
7. One passport size photo (white background) and one passport size photo of relative from 1970 and up;
8. Baptismal Certificate.

Bring any of the above with one photo of the appicant (White) and one photo of relative

0 – 12 Years : Free
13 & Above: $500 Ld

Birth Registration

Birth registration became legal through “Birth and Death Registration Act” of 1971, which made compulsory the registration of births and deaths in the Republic of Liberia.

Chapter 51 (§51.25), Subchapter B of the 1976 Public Health Law (PHL) states that “The birth of each child born alive in the Republic shall be registered within fourteen days after the date of birth by filing with the registrar of the district in which the birth occurred a report of such births, which report shall be upon the form prescribed therefore by the Principal Registrar”.

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Prior to the war in 1990, birth registration was carried out in public hospitals, where County Health Registrars and District Registrars were responsible for birth registration.

However, on account of the war, the birth registration system and structures collapsed. At the time, there was no cost attached to the issuance of birth certificates; they were issued free-of-charge manually

Due to the damage done to the system and structures for birth registration, the activity became centralized during the 90s and for some time following the war.

In addition, birth certificates were manually produced until 1999, when birth certificate production was contracted out to a private firm, the Monrovia Development Management Company (MDMC) for 10 years (1999 – 2009) and a computerized system was thereafter introduced.

During this period, the cost of birth certificate was US$20.00 for all ages, until 2004 when certificates for Under-5s became free and those for persons aged 5 years and above were L$800.00.

In 2006, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, with support from Plan-Liberia, conducted a birth registration study to assess the magnitude of the situation and generate the required evidence for advocacy and planning.

In 2007 with support from Plan-Liberia, a pilot of birth registration program was implemented in Bomi County, using manual birth registration. The lessons learned from this pilot exercise informed the current decentralization process.

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** Formulation, Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation of Health Policies, Plan, and Standards.
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Categories: Liberia

View Comments (18)

  • I am trying to get a copy of my birth certificate from 1976. I live in Australia now. How can I get it ? Any guidance would be much appreciated.

  • I am a Liberian. Since my born I have not been received my birth certificate so, I want to get my birth certificate online.

  • I am an American, Liberian born in Monrovia. My passport got missing along with other important stuff. So I am trying to apply for a new birth certificate to get a new passport. So how can I apply and can I apply for it online?

    • You can use the below mentioned link to download the registration form :

    • Yes you can get birth certificate. Availing birth certificate is free upto 12 years.

      Information as provided in the official website of Ministry of Health & Social Welfare, Liberia

  • I am so much interested in obtaining a Liberian birth certificate, I want you people to please show the format of the forms and how can I apply for it.

  • The process in obtaining the birth certificate is very forstriagthing. I really asking the administration to do something about it. Sometimes it takes months after they show you a week upon submission. This can cost serious financial embarrassing situation with every day coming and going.

  • I am a citizen of Liberia living in Czech Republic. I have my Birth Certificate issued 08/07/2009. I need to certify it with appostille. How do I proceed?

    Kind Regards

  • Hi,
    I am an African Canadian born in Monrovia, Liberia.
    I have never had my birth certificate done and I would like to have one. I have called the Embassy in Brussels here but they gave me this website instead.
    I want to have my birth Certificate done.
    How? And how fast can I get it? And how much?
    Kind Regards.

  • I am 55 years old, and live in Ohio (US). My birth certificate was accidently thrown out in the trash. How do I get a replacement?

    • From the Website:

      Ohio Department of Health:
      Easy Ways to Obtain a Birth or Death Record :

      1. Local Vital Statistics Office :
      You can obtain birth and death records from a city or county vital statistics office where the event occurred. You can also obtain birth records from any vital statistics office regardless of where the birth event occurred. (Exception: sealed adoption records may only be obtained from the state Vital Statistics office in Columbus) Local fees and operating hours vary. The local service options may be faster, due to the higher volume processed in this state office.

      2. Walk-in :
      Same day service is available in our downtown Columbus location to walk-in customers from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm, Monday through Friday. The office is closed on state holidays. In our lobby, you can complete an application for a birth certificate, death certificate or paternity affidavit and pay the required fee by cash, credit card, check or money order. (Please note: a copy of an adoption file CANNOT be provided in our lobby on the same day. Customers may mail or submit the required documents with payment in our lobby; requests will be verified and researched, then copies will be mailed within one month.) While our office strives to provide counter service within 20 minutes, we cannot guarantee same-day issuance for any orders placed after 4:30 p.m. You may request a later date to return for the copy, or it will be mailed to you.

      3. Online Ordering :
      Birth, death and paternity affidavit orders can be placed online with no additional fees. (Exception: sealed adoption records cannot be ordered online) Please allow processing time up to three (3) weeks. For faster service, contact a local vital statistics office using the above instructions in option 1. Please note rush orders are not available through this online service, and orders cannot be cancelled once they are submitted.

      4. Mail :
      Please allow processing time of at least three (3) weeks. Customers are urged to allow sufficient time for delivery for all records. Faster service can be obtained from a city or county vital statistics office in Ohio. Click here to review our statewide directory, which includes fee/phone/website and mailing address information. For a record from the state Office of Vital Statistics, mail a check or money order for $21.50 for each certified record.

      Apply Here :

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