ursb.go.ug Obtaining a Birth/ Death Certificate : Uganda Registration Services Bureau

Organization : Uganda Registration Services Bureau
Type of Facility : Obtaining a Birth/ Death Certificate
Country: Uganda

Website : http://www.ursb.go.ug/

Obtaining a Birth/ Death Certificate :

Obtaining a Birth Certificate :
** Birth registration is regulated by the Birth and Death Registration Act Cap 309 Laws of Uganda. Birth registration is compulsory and registration of all live births should take place within three months from the event. However, the same law also allows for late registration:

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** Declarant registers the birth with the Hospital Administrator, Sub county Chief or Town clerk depending on the place where the birth occurred.
** Declarant will be issued with a short birth certificate as proof of registration.
** Submit the short birth certificate to our office.
** Pick assessment forms from our office and deposit the money in any bank of your choice.
** Clients can also make self assessment from the URA portal
** Return the pay slip after payment and wait for issuance of your long birth certificate.

Fees payable:
National applications Ug shs 5000
Foreign applications US $ 40
Refugees: Free

Obtaining a Death Certificate:
Death registration is regulated by the Birth and Death Registration Act Cap 309 Laws of Uganda. Death registration is compulsory and should take place within one month from the event. However, the same law also allows for late registration.
** Declarant registers the death with the Hospital Administrator, Sub county Chief or Town clerk depending on the place where the death occurred.
** Declarant will be issued with a short death certificate as proof of registration.
** Submit the short death certificate together with an identification card of the applicant and LC letter where the deceased resided in support of an application for a death certificate to our office.
** Pick assessment forms from our office and deposit the money in any bank of your choice. Clients can also make self assessment from the URA portal
** Return the pay slip after payment and wait for issuance of your long death certificate.

Fees payable:
national applications Ug shs 5000
Foreign applications US $ 40
Refugees: free

Filing Marriage Returns :
Filing Customary Marriage Returns :
** Cover letter from the sub -county chief of the sub county where the marriage took place
** A duly filled Form B (marriage certificate in the Format prescribed by law) signed and stamped by the sub county chief/ or certified copy of the same
** Evidence of payments made in the bank

Registration fees :
** UGX40,000/= If registration is made after 6months from date of customary marriage
** UGX20,000/= if registration is made within 6 months from date of customary marriage

Guideline to clients :
** Submit letter, certified returns, evidence of payment at the RG’s office to Registrar for verification
** Pick acknowledgement from front Desk Level 4 same day service
** Filing District Marriage Returns

Requirements :
** Cover letter from Registrar who conducted the marriage (signed and stamped)
** Certified copy of marriage certificate with the pictures attached
** Certified copy of Notice of Marriage Form
** Certified copy of Form for certificate details
** Copies of registered affidavits for both Bride and Groom
** Certified Copy of the LC1 letters of both Bride and Groom
** Copies of national IDs of the couple and their witnesses or any other valid identification documents for non-Ugandans
** Copy of letter of consent from parents of either couple who is under 21 years of age
** Evidence of payments made into the consolidated fund account/URA portal
** Single status letter for non-Ugandans

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Fees UGX 260,000/= for Ugandans less 25,000/= for Certificate of payments if the certificates were bought from URSB USD 260$ for non-Ugandans and less the price of the certificate if that used was bought from URSB Guidelines
** The Chief Administrative Officer of the Marriage District writes cover letter to the Registrar General submitting returns
** The letter and certified copies (certified by the CAO) of all documents submitted prior to the celebration of marriage and receipt of payments made to URA are submitted to the Office of the Registrar General
** Proof of registration of affidavits with Registrar of Documents
** The CAO receives acknowledgement of the returns from the Registrar General

Filing Marriage Returns from churches :
Only Returns/Form F’s from duly licensed and gazetted places of worship are registrable. These returns should be filed on a monthly basis.

** Cover letter from FBO where the marriage was conducted (signed and stamped)
** Duly filled and signed Form F (should also be stamped)
** Evidence of payments

** Fees UGX35, 000/= for Nationals and refugees USD35$ for Foreign Nationals Guidelines It is a statutory requirement for every licensed and gazetted FBO conducting marriages to submit a monthly return of each marriage celebrated before the 10th Day of the next month by way of filing a Form F as indicated in the schedules.
** The celebrant enters the details of each marriage celebrated into the Marriage Register Book

The celebrant extracts the details listed below for each couple from the marriage register onto the Form F
** Name of the church
** Date of Marriage
** Marriage Certificate Number
** Name of Groom and Bride

** The age of Groom and Bride
** The Condition of the Groom and Bride before the marriage (here state whether Spinster, Bachelor, Widow, widower or Divorcee).
** The Occupation of the Groom and Bride at the time of the Marriage
** Place of residence of the couple at the time of marriage

** The name and occupation of the fathers of the groom and the bride. If they are deceased this should be stated.
** Date of entry of the marriage into the marriage register,
** Name and Signature of the marriage Celebrant

** Stamp or seal of the church
** Make assessment for payment on the URA portal (done at any Bank and/or URSB offices at Ugx.35,000/= Nationals or USD35$ for Non-nationals)
** Proceed to make payments at the bank of your choice

** Write cover letter accompanying the returns; please indicate number of returns, period of return and total amount paid and attach the receipt of payment (got from the bank). Submit together with the Form Fs to any URSB office countrywide
** Receive an acknowledgement of the returns filed within 2 hours of submission.

Contact Us:
Uganda Registration Services Bureau
Plot 5 George Street, Georgian House
P.O.Box 6848 Kampala Uganda

Telephone: URSB General Line: +256 414 233 219
Telephone: Registrar General: +256 414 235 915
Fax: General fax Line: +256 414 250 712
E-mail: ursb AT ursb.go.ug

Categories: Uganda
Tags: ursb.go.ug

View Comments (1)

  • I need a new Birth Certificate to replace my original one, which was issued in 1943. The reason is that I am applying for a USA Permanent Resident Visa and the US authorities have made it a regulation that I obtain this from you. The US will not accept my original Birth Certificate. Please could you let me know how I can go about obtaining this from you. I am British, of English descent, born in Mengo District on 27th September, 1930, though the Birth Certificate was registered by a Mr. J.R.Bell on 08/12/1943. I am worried as how to get it in time before the time cut-off for the application for my US Visa? My maiden name on the original Birth Certificate is Gillian Helena de Burgh West,

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