Procedures For Settling Insurance Claims Uganda : Insurance Regulatory Authority

Organization : Insurance Regulatory Authority Uganda
Type of Facility : Procedures For Settling Insurance Claims
Country: Uganda

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Procedures For Settling Insurance Claims :

Motor Vehicle insurance (Third party Risks) and COMESA yellow card scheme:
Vehicle Owner/Insured:
** Should report the accident to the nearest police station;

Related : Uganda Regulatory Authority Retirement Benefits Scheme :

** Should report the accident to the insurer, fill in an accident report form and provide all necessary documents required by the insurer; and
** Should co-operate with the insurer during the claim handling process.

Accident Victim or his Representative:
In the even of an accident, the victim or his representative should ensure that he has the following for presentation to the insurance company:

Police accident report:
It, inter-alia, indicates the particulars of the insurance company and the certificates of insurance.

Medical Examination Report:
The form is issued by the police and is known as police form 3.

In respect of expenses and relevant items incurred for treatment; and

Medical doctor’s report

Accident Victim or his Representative:
In the even of an accident, the victim or his representative should ensure that he has the following for presentation to the insurance company:

Police accident report:
It, inter-alia, indicates the particulars of the insurance company and the certificates of insurance.

Medical Examination Report:
The form is issued by the police and is known as police form 3.

In respect of expenses and relevant items incurred for treatment; and

Medical doctor’s report

Assessing the percentage of permanent disability.

If the victim dies in the accident, his representative should have the following in addition to a police report:-
A post mortem report
Letters of administration, issued by courts of law; and
Introductory letters from the local council 1, of the deceased’s area of residence.

Insurer/insurance Company:
The law provides that the insure must settle a claim within sixty days of notification, where there is no dispute between him and the insured, and the thirty days after resolution of dispute where there is one.

Points of note:
The maximum liability is Ushs. 1,000,000/= per person per accident, and aggregate liability per accident, and does not exceed Ushs. 10,000,000/= and
If the claimed amount exceeds the above statutory limits, and unless the insured had sufficient extra coverage in place, the claimant would have recourse to courts of law against the insured, for the amount over and above the sail limits.

Other classes of insurance (workers compensation, personal accident, fire, burglary, etc)

In event of a loss, the insureds’ are advised to:
** Report the loss/damage to the relevant authorized e.g. police employers etc, as per terms in the policies;
** Report to the insurance company or its agent or insurance broker who would then avail a claim form;
** Fill in the claim/accident report form;
** Provide all pertinent documents that supported the loss/damaged/incident;
** Cooperate with the police/insurer/broker throughout the claims process.

The duration it takes to settle a claim, the insured’s promptness in reporting the claim and supplying the relevant documentation required to support the claim.

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