: Human Resources For Health Information Systems Uganda

Organization : Ministry of Health
Type of Facility : Human Resources For Health Information Systems
Country: Uganda

Website :

Human Resources For Health Information Systems:

This is the HRHIS Web Page where you get access human resources data and reports for The Central Ministry Of Health Organisations, Regional Referrals, Proffessional Councils and some districts.

Related : eHMIS Uganda’s Electronic Health Information System Uganda :

The Various Systems where set up with support form partners such as USAID funded Uganda Capacity Program, Baylor College of Medicine Children’s Foundation – Uganda and WHO .

The Systems are based on iHRIS Manage and Qualify which are a free, Open Source software solution developed by The Capacity Project, an innovative global initiative to help developing countries build and sustain the health workforce.

About the The Ministry of Health Uganda:
The Ministry of Health Uganda, is a government body set up with the mandate of policy formulation and policy dialogue with Health Development Partners, resource mobilization and budgeting, strategic planning, regulation, advising other ministries on health matters, setting standards and quality assurance, capacity development and technical support, provision of nationally coordinated services such as epidemic control, coordination of health research and monitoring and evaluation of the overall sector performance.

Some functions have been delegated to national autonomous institutions including some specialized clinical support functions (Uganda Blood Transfusion Service (UBTS), National Medical Stores and National Public Health Laboratories), regulatory functions (handled by professional councils, National Drug Authority and other regulatory bodies) and research activities conducted by several research institutions and coordinated by the autonomous Uganda National Health Research Organization (UNHRO).

Register as an iHRIS Developer :
We encourage all interested developers to get involved with iHRIS development, whether you want to customize an iHRIS application for local use, contribute to the advancement of the core software, or use the source code for another application.

Send us an email to get started. On our Contact Us form, select the option to register as a developer, and let us know where you are and how you are using the software. We will add you to the iHRIS Global Community mailing list, so that you will be among the first to learn about new code bounties.

Once you are registered as an iHRIS developer, we can help connect you with other iHRIS developers in your country or region for support and meet-ups. If you provide your mailing address, we will send you a bootable USB device with the iHRIS software pre-installed.

To understand our priority development needs, including core system improvements and new features or modules, please review our Ideas List. The iHRIS software and source code is hosted on Launchpad, where you can ask questions, report bugs, and access blueprints. (You will need to register for a free Launchpad account.) The Developers’ Guide provides a technical overview and other documentation for iHRIS developers.

Ministry of Health:
P.O. Box 7272 Kampala
Uganda Plot 6 Lourdel Rd,

General Telephone: 256-414-340874 /231563 /9
Permanent Secretary’s Office: 256-414-340872
Fax: 256-41-4231584
Email: info AT

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