Registrar General’s Department Zimbabwe : Voters Registration

Organization : Registrar General’s Department
Type of Facility : Voters Registration
Country: Zimbabwe

Website :

Voters Registration:

Services offered include:
** Initial registration of voters .
** Transfer of voters from one ward to another or from one constituency to another.

Related : Registrar General’s Department Zimbabwe Birth & Death Certificates :

Qualification for registration as a voter:
Applicant must be:
** Eighteen (18) years old and above.
** A citizen of Zimbabwe and must be a resident in the respective constituency or ward.

** A Zimbabwe national registration identity document (metal ,synthetic or green waiting pass), or
** A valid Zimbabwe passport

Documentary evidence:
** Documentary evidence proving that the applicant is currently residing in the ward or constituency in which registration or transfer is to be effected is required in the form of:

Urban Dwellers:
** A certificate of occupation/title deeds or
** Lodgers permit/card or
** Rates/water statement in applicant’s name, or
** Electricity statement in applicant’s name, or
** Credit store statement showing the physical address of the applicant, in the respective area.
** Written statement from landlord, parent or friend confirming the applicant’s address
1. accompanied by a house card, electricity bill, rates bill or any similar document in the name of the

Related Post

2. landlord, parent or friend staying with applicant.
** Sworn statement by employer or applicant confirming applicant’s address.
** Hospital bill or envelopes with post markings reflecting applicant’s address and any other information or document sufficient to ascertain the applicant’s residence.

Rural/Farm Dwellers:
** Confirmation by the Village Head or
** Resettlement Officer or
** Farm Owner

Any person who wishes to be registered as a voter or seek transfer shall present himself or herself at the appropriate registration office in order that the appropriate prescribed claim form may be completed on his or her behalf.

Registered voters residing out of their constituencies:
In terms of Section 23(3 of the Electoral Act [Chapter 2:13]), a voter who is registered on the voters roll for a constituency, other than a voter who has been registered in that constituency in terms of the provision to subsection (1), shall not be entitled to have his or her name retained on such roll if, for a continuous period of twelve months he or she has been absent or has ceased to reside in that constituency.

Passport Renewal :
The Registrar General wishes to inform citizens of Zimbabwe that renewal of passports can be done six months to a year prior to the expiry date as it is a requirement by most countries that a passport be valid for at least six months for various reasons.

Citizens in the above category are therefore, encouraged to visit their nearest provincial offices countrywide to make and submit applications for passports to avoid inconveniencing themselves.

Harare Passport Office :
The Registrar General Is Informing Members Of The Public That Our Harare Passport Office Will Now Also Be Open For Passport Submission And Processing On Saturdays With Effect From 03 November 2012 From 08:00 To 1:00Pm Until Further Notice. This Is In Response To The Ever Increasing Demand For Passports.

Categories: Zimbabwe

View Comments (2)

  • I am looking for a full birth certificate for myself: Margareta Redman born 25th July 1960 in Gwelo.
    Entry number: 243/60.
    Please could you let me know where I can obtain this?

    • From the Website :
      Self Registration :
      Self registrations are exceptional cases and are determined by the District Registrar and confirmed by the Provincial Registrar.

      Applicants are required to produce the following documents :
      ** A National Identity card of the applicant.
      ** A baptismal certificate, if the child was baptized (within six months of birth).
      ** National Identity card of a near relative.
      ** A letter from the employer, if employed.
      ** In each case, citizenship status must be established beyond doubt. © 2022 Contact Us   Privacy Policy   Site Map