potraz.gov.zw National Numbering Plan Zimbabwe : Postal & Telecommunications Regulatory Authority

Organization : Postal and Telecommunications Regulatory Authority of Zimbabwe
Type of Facility : National Numbering Plan
Country: Zimbabwe

Website : https://www.potraz.gov.zw/

National Numbering Plan

The Postal and Telecommunications Regulatory Authority of Zimbabwe is empowered by the Postal and Telecommunications Act [Chapter 12:05] to control and manage the Zimbabwe National Telecommunications Numbering plan.

Related : Zimbabwe Revenue Authority Tax Clearance Certificate : www.statusin.org/7406.html

Functions and Powers of the Authority, section 4, of the Act states the numbering functions of the Authority shall be To establish, approve or control a national telephone numbering plan for the purpose of ensuring that telephone numbers are allocated in an efficient and non-discriminatory manner.

National Numbering Plan Objective:
The National Telecommunications Numbering Plan has the main objective of ensuring the smooth flow of telecommunications traffic to end users whilst encouraging competition in the sector by providing adequate numbering ranges for services.

The Country Code (CC) for Zimbabwe is 263.

Numbering Resources Allocation:
The Postal and Telecommunications Regulatory Authority of Zimbabwe is mandated by the Postal and Telecommunications ACT [Chapter 12:05] to establish, approve or control a national telephone numbering plan for the purpose of ensuring that telephone numbers are allocated in an efficient and non-discriminatory manner.

Numbering resources are allocated or assigned to licenced telecommunications operator only. Use of unauthorised numbers is illegal and attracts penalties.

Application Procedure:
Telecommunication operators applying for numbering resources allocation or assignment are required to apply direct from the Authority.

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The applicant is required to submit a fully completed application form which must be endorsed by the company management.

The application should include:
** Purpose of numbering resources,
** preferred numbering block
** dates by which the allocation is required
** date service is planned to be operational
** Utilisation of existing numbering allocations

The application form should be accompanied by a signed letter on company letterhead.

The application form can be obtained from POTRAZ or downloaded on the link below

Download Form : https://www.potraz.gov.zw/

Number Usage Fees:
Numbering resources are divided in various categories and the applicable number usage annual fees are as follow:
1) Subscriber numbers US$0.10 (10 cents) per unit
2) Network Destination Codes US$50.00
3) Premium Rate Service Short Code US$1200.00
4) Non Premium Rate Short Code US$50.00
5) International Signalling Point Codes (ISPC) US$50.00
6) National Signalling Point Codes (NSPC) US$50.00
7) Mobile Network Identifiers – MNC +NCC US$50.00

Assignment of telecommunication numbers:
Subscriber numbers are assigned in blocks of 1 000. 10 000, 1 000 000 or more.

Other numbering resources (e.g. short codes) are assigned on demand.

Change of assigned numbers:
All telecommunications operators are required to notify the authority of any change of subscriber numbering assignments 60 days in advance. This is necessary for the Authority to modify the Zimbabwe National Numbering Plan (ZNNP) and notify the ITU and other Recognised Operating Agencies (ROAs).

Upon receipt of authorisation from the Authority to change number assignment, the Operator is required to issue a NOTICE to the public and the numbers assignees at a reasonable time prior to the date when the anticipated change is to be effected.

Categories: Zimbabwe
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