Customs Clearance For Passengers Cambodia : General Department of Excise

Organization : General Department of Customs & Excise of Cambodia
Type of Facility : Customs Clearance For Passengers
Country: Cambodia

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Customs Clearance For Passengers :

To expedite the baggage clearance of passengers coming into the Kingdom of Cambodia, Customs and Excise Department has established Green and Red Channel; where self selection routes are operated, passengers have the option of making their Customs Declaration in either the Red Channel or the Green.

Related : General Department of Excise Cargo Import & Export Procedure Cambodia :

All passengers are obliged to fill out the Passenger’s Declaration Form and submit it to customs on the spot of entry.

Green Channel is for passengers possessing no goods or only goods which can be admitted free of customs duties and taxes by stating that you have “Nothing to Declare”.

Red Channel is for passengers who bring along with the dutiable goods, any prohibited or restricted goods by proclaiming that you have “Goods to Declare”.

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** Customs officers may conduct a random check to the passengers at both channel
** Penalties or/and fines are imposed on passengers, who intentionally use the Green Channel by not declaring the carry on dutiable, restricted and prohibit goods.
** An incoming passenger is eligible for the following duty-free concessions:
** Two liters of wine
** 400 cigarettes, 100 cigars, or 400 grams of tobacco
** 350 milliliters of perfume and ornaments
** Medicines for own personal cure
** Other materials and tools with limit quantity needed for traveling and not categorized as prohibited goods.
** Passenger aged under 18 does not have eligibility to bring in the goods as specified in number 1 and 2 above.
** Goods worth equivalent to or greater than US$100 shall be subject to pay customs duties and taxes.
** If the customs value of goods is in excess of US$300, they must be declared in Customs Declaration Form. If it is less than US$300, the goods must be declared in Non-commercial Customs Declaration Form.
** Temporary imported goods are required to be authorized before and importation by General Department of Customs and Excise.
** There are no currency restrictions on import of foreign Currencies to Cambodia by passengers (including delegates, quests, entities, or natural persons) although declaration is required for the sums of over US$10,000.00 (ten thousand US dollars) or equivalent in a foreign currency. So doing will make the passengers easier to bring back the money upon their returning.
** An importation prohibited goods must be accompanied by a valid license issued in advance by the relevant authorities and an import permit by General Department of Customs and Excise.
** When imported, strictly prohibited weapon, explosives and ammunition, and other military equipment, must be escorted by a valid license from Ministry of Interior or Ministry of National Defense and import permit from General Department of Customs and Excise.

2. Customs Formality for Outbound Passengers (Departure Terminal):
An outbound passenger is required to fill up Passenger’s Declaration Form should they take out the following goods with original supporting documents. He/She has to submit they form to Customs Office at the point of exit.
** Foreign currency in the amount exceeding US$10,000.00 (ten thousand US dollars) is required to obtain the permit from National Bank of Cambodia and approval before an exportation from General Department of Customs and Excise, should there be no import declaration of the currency at his/her entry.
** Any temporary exportation of goods must be approved in advanced by General Department of Customs and Excise.
** Prohibited goods and restricted goods must be accompanied by a valid license issued before exportation by the concerned authorities and export permit by General Department of Customs and Excise.
** Any export of strictly prohibited arms, explosive, ammunition and other military equipment, is required to submit a valid license from Ministry of Interior or National Defense, and export permit from General Department of Customs and Excise.
** Artifact, statues, antique and ancient items, are required to have authorization and permit issued before the exportation by Ministry of Culture and Fine Arts and export permit by General Department of Customs and Excise.
** When exported, plants, live animals are requested to enclose the permit or license issued in advance by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Hunting and Fishery.

3. Import Clearance Procedures at Cargo Terminal:
Any passenger wishing to import goods must prepare import Customs Declaration Form and submit it to Customs Office with the following original and/or certified copied by company in triplicate. These supporting document are as follows:
** Invoice
** Packing List
** Airway bill
** Customs Permit (if required)
** Other relevant documents (if required)

Any relevant importation of goods by a VAT TIN unregistered entity/person for commercial purpose is required to attach customs permit issued in advanced by General Department of Customs and Excise.

Goods categorized as temporary importation, personal effects and goods of which customs duties and taxes are the government burden, are required to obtain valid permit issued before an importation by General Department of Customs and Excise.

Passenger are liable to prosecution, penalties or/and punishment, under the law of Kingdom of Cambodia, should they be found guilty for any false declaration, and violation against the rules stipulated in this proclamation.

It is illegal for any trafficking of narcotic drug and judged as serious crime. A passenger who convicts of this offense could result in life imprisonment in accordance with the law of Kingdom of Cambodia. © 2022 Contact Us   Privacy Policy   Site Map