Investment Application Procedure Cambodia : Council For Development

Organization : Council for Development of Cambodia
Type of Facility : Investment Application Procedure
Country: Cambodia

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Investment Application Procedure :

1. Application Process of QIP outside of SEZ:
To be admitted as a Qualified Investment Project (QIP), an investor has to register the investment project with the CDC or PMIS and receive a Final Registration Certificate (FRC) under the Law on Investment (Article 2 and 6, “Amended Law on Investment”).

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The QIP application process from submission of Investment Proposal until obtaining a Final Registration Certificate (FRC) is shown in the following table (Article 7, “Amended Law on Investment”).

QIP Application Process:
Applicant :
Submission of an Investment Proposal to the CDC or PMIS
Use a completed Application Form*
Payment of Application Fee of 7,000,000 Riels

The CDC or PMIS:

1) Issuance of “Conditional Registration Certificate” (CRC):
if the Investment Proposal contains all the information required, and
if the proposed activity is not in the Negative List or not related to national interest/ environmental sensitivity

2) Issuance of “Letter of Non-Compliance”:
If the Investment Proposal does not satisfy the above condition
If a CRC or Letter of Non-Compliance is not issued within 3 working days, the CRC shall be considered automatically approved.

Condition/ Remarks:
To be Issued within 3 working days after submission of the Investment Proposal
The CRC specifies the approvals, authorizations, clearances, licenses, permits or registrations required for the QIP to operate, as well as the government entities responsible to issue such approvals, etc.
The CRC confirms the incentives to which the QIP is entitled and recognize the statutes of the legal entity.
Letter of Non-Compliance shall clearly state the reasons why the Investment Proposal was not acceptable and the additional information required for enabling the CDC or PMIS to issue a CRC.

The CDC or PMIS :
Obtains all of the licenses from relevant ministries-entities listed in the CRC on behalf of the Applicant.

All government entities responsible for issuing an authorization, clearance, license, permit or registration listed on the CRC shall issue those no later than the 28th working day from the date of the CRC.

Any government official who, without proper reason, fails to respond to an Applicant’s request by this deadline shall be punished by law.

The CDC or PMIS :
Issuance of a “Final Registration Certificate” (FRC)
To be issued within 28 working days of the issuance of the CRC.
The date of issuance of the FRC shall be the date of QIP commencement.

A sample of “Application Form”* is shown in ANNEX 2 of “Sub-Decree No.111 on the Implementation of the Amendment to the Law on Investment” attached in APPENDIX III herein.

2. Registration Process of QIP of Investment Project in the SEZ:
The Zone Investor who starts its activity of production or services in the fields permitted by related Laws and Sub-Decrees in any SEZ shall complete the formalities based on the procedure by preparing all the required documents and submit to the office of the SEZ Administration in the SEZ for registering investment proposals during working hours and before the office of the SEZ Administration. The SEZ Administration has a duty to decide on the registration of the investment proposal based on the legal, administrative and technical aspects and on the issuance of the FRC. Such process has to be in compliance with the procedures of investment registration set forth in the Law and Sub-Decree on the Implementation of the Law on Amendment to the Law on Investment.

Any incentive provided to the Zone Investor shall be decided by the SEZ Administration through the “One-Stop Service” mechanism located on the site and in accordance to the relevant laws and regulations.

On all other requests in the investment process of Zone Investors, the SEZ Administration shall play the role of facilitator to address issues of the Zone Investor with the relevant ministries/institutions of the Royal Government of Cambodia (Article 3.3, The SEZ Sub-Decree).

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