Visitor Information For Public Hearings Cambodia : Extraordinary Chambers In Courts

Organization : Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia
Type of Facility : Visitor Information For Public Hearings
Country: Cambodia

Website :

Visitor Information For Public Hearings :

The Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia are situated in Chaom Chau, 16 kilometers from downtown Phnom Penh, on the left hand side of National Road 4. Public and media please enter from the Visitors Gate at the eastern end of the compound.

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Follow the road to Phnom Penh International Airport and continue on National Road 4 for an additional 4 kilometres. No public transportation is available, so visitors without own transportation need to take a taxi or tuk tuk. Most taxi and tuk tuk drivers do not know the court by its official name – the ECCC is more commonly referred to as the Khmer Rouge tribunal (sa-la-kadey khmer krahom in Khmer)

Visitor Information For Public Hearings:
There are 482 seats in the public gallery, which are available for diplomats, media (advance accreditation required) and the general public. Seats are distributed on first come, first served basis on normal hearings days. Advance registration is mandatory for groups of more than 5 persons.
Please note that on days with special interest, such as commencement of a trial, closing arguments and delivery of judgement, advance registration will be required.

Hearings normally start at 09:00 in the morning. We recommend that visitors arrive no later than a 45 minutes before a hearing in order to leave sufficient time for registration and security check. All persons seeking admission to the ECCC courtroom must present a proof of identification (including a photo) and must pass through a security check.

Participants shall maintain dignity and proper behaviour all the time and shall wear appropriate clothing (no beachwear or shorts, flip flops etc). Their clothing may not display slogans, indicate their support for or to be offensive any party of the proceeding. Please note, no persons under 16 years of age will be admitted to the court and persons 16 -18 will be admitted only with the guardianship of an adult. No mobile phones, laptops, cameras, recording devices,large bags, food or drinks are permitted in the main courtroom.

Language of proceedings:
The court provides simultaneous interpretation of its proceedings in English, Khmer and French.

No food or drinks is allowed in the courtroom. Toilets are provided in the court building and the car park. Parking will be provided for visitors to the ECCC with their own buses or cars. Assistance for those with disabilities will be provided, including wheelchair access.

How to get to the court:
The Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia are situated in Chaom Chau, 16 kilometers from downtown Phnom Penh, on the left hand side of National Road 4. Public and media please enter from the Visitors Gate at the eastern end of the compound.

Follow the road to Phnom Penh International Airport and continue on National Road 4 for an additional 4 kilometres. No public transportation is available, so visitors without own transportation need to take a taxi or tuk tuk. Most taxi and tuk tuk drivers do not know the court by its official name – the ECCC is more commonly referred to as the Khmer Rouge tribunal (sa-la-kadey khmer krahom in Khmer).

Any questions about attending public hearings can be directed to the ECCC Public Affairs Section at

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